the thread about nothing...

Got back from the Dr. I get an EKG in 2 weeks to see if I have any heart damage due to chest pains n numbness in my left arm, n I get an ultrasound to see if I have a hernia. My cholesterol is high, but I've cut out fast food n most red meat over the last few weeks. I feel great since I've changed my diet, I even lost 7 lbs 

Since we discussing food:

Breakfast: 2 granola bars n applesauce with water 

Lunch: Double-decker sandwich (BF ham, turkey, provolone, lettuce, tomato, red onion, mayo, mustard, pepper on toasted white bread) a handful of Goldfish, a pickle cut into 4 spears n a peach fruit cup with lemonade 

I think I'll make some pasta salad tonight (Boiled chicken breast, ribbon pasta, n jalapeno) 
Boiled chicken breast?
Never done that in my life and me and chicken are pretty close.

Will try.
Its messed up cause half of the songs on the radio is about chicks being **** and thots and not loyal but its like dam is that true is that what society has really come to? I mean I know I'm a big hypocrite speaking of my job but its like wtf? These square girls are more vicious then the girls I work with. Atleast xxx stars are upfront about what they do.. These square chicks will set you up for the fail real quick while your sitting there thinking they are good chicks.. 
Its messed up cause half of the songs on the radio is about chicks being **** and thots and not loyal but its like dam is that true is that what society has really come to? I mean I know I'm a big hypocrite speaking of my job but its like wtf? These square girls are more vicious then the girls I work with. Atleast xxx stars are upfront about what they do.. These square chicks will set you up for the fail real quick while your sitting there thinking they are good chicks.. 
Women have been exploiting their sexuality for gain, both explicitly and covertly, for hundreds of years. There have alwqys been thots and °°°°, and there always will be. A woman will only exploit a man she finds to be weak, so it's important that we as men remember to stay strong and be careful.
Its messed up cause half of the songs on the radio is about chicks being **** and thots and not loyal but its like dam is that true is that what society has really come to? I mean I know I'm a big hypocrite speaking of my job but its like wtf? These square girls are more vicious then the girls I work with. Atleast xxx stars are upfront about what they do.. These square chicks will set you up for the fail real quick while your sitting there thinking they are good chicks.. 

that programming. the TV and radio are influencing all of that behavior :wink:
you looking like an easy come up yahoo bish

didn't even realize I got autocorrect to yahoo 


like biting into grease
 churchs is good but this is so accurate
Them biscuits

the loaded burrito meal with fries though.

girly bout to leave. busted so hard my ears popped today.

I was scared wholetime.
that meal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

 girl gave you that work, took your mental to another altitude 
that programming. the TV and radio are influencing all of that behavior
i am victim brotha

a victim of 400 years of conditioning

the man has programmed my conditioning

even my conditioning has been conditioned 

Women are creatures who adore attention and this social networking age is extremely beneficial for them on the short end. By posting on instagram and twitter, their incessant need for attention and validation is quenched with little effort, whereas in the past a woman would need to have meritous traits to gain such acclaim. This is only positive if she can maneuver this into attracting a high value male before her beauty wains and a younger, more attractive woman outshines her and takes her spot. This is dangerous for males as well because it allows for greater "pedestaling" and celeb worship of subpar females. It is important that men not be exposed through social media thirst traps.
Boiled chicken breast?
Never done that in my life and me and chicken are pretty close.

Will try.
I've only known boiled chicken breasts in chicken davan.
Boil the chicken for about an hour, then shred it with a couple forks. Then use the water you boiled the chicken with to cook your pasta. Place the pasta n chicken in a dish n add mayo. Mix it with your hands until you get the desired consistency. Then add the jalapenos. This is my goto dish for BBQs n it's always everyone's favorite. Try it for the 4th of July.

What I use:
Its messed up cause half of the songs on the radio is about chicks being **** and thots and not loyal but its like dam is that true is that what society has really come to? I mean I know I'm a big hypocrite speaking of my job but its like wtf? These square girls are more vicious then the girls I work with. Atleast xxx stars are upfront about what they do.. These square chicks will set you up for the fail real quick while your sitting there thinking they are good chicks.. 
that programming. the TV and radio are influencing all of that behavior
Word. They mimic what they see n hear. "Aww girl that's my jam/this my song/etc." ****ed up part is they learn this early on from bad parents. They see the way their mom/aunt/sister acts n the way men treat her, n that is perceived as normal behavior. Then their friends from similar backgrounds get together n flaunt this behavior at school, in the street, on social media, etc. They think this the way to get a man, but even these dudes perpetuate it by feeding into it to boost their egos. N since the men end up treating the bad, the women talk down on them n then the little girls learn "men ain't ****" so they think it's cool to set a guy up, since he'll only **** em over eventually. Then egos come into play, so jealousy n envy rear their ugly little heads n things get worse. N the worst part is, they become so good at it, they become pathological liars n then can trick even themselves into believing they are good women, n that's how dudes get caught thinking she's a good girl. It's a vicious cycle n the only way to end it is to teach your young ones, be it your kids, nieces, nephews, friend's kids, etc.

Knowledge is power.
Repped for da easy recipe.

Going to a cookout sat.
Will add my own twist... make and bring.
Yup, my Nina taught me kuz I destroy it everytime. It's my hangover remedy whenever I stay the night after a family party 

Egos/pride are some are some of the worst things to happen relationships.

Girls not wanting to reach out or make a move so as not to appear thirsty or some ****?


Had a female once tell me she pretended to be busy once so that she wouldn't appear overally available to me.

Yup, egos are a cancer to any relationship. But don't act like dudes don't do it either. IDK how many times me or a friend have done a girl dirty just to prove a point or get some dap. But yeah, women are just conniving n malicious when they do it. They like try to destroy you when they do it. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...wise words.
I need to cop me some dri-fit tees. these regular tees aren't going to cut it this summer 
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