the thread about nothing...

Salamance my _

Dragon claw x crunch x earthquake x hyper beam. Fly is good.
cuz took the L, but his moms is a lawyer. thats another thing about u thieves, u dunno who u stealin from..
and its always someone watchin.
dude saw the post and got spooked, talmbout we sent him threats.
im laughin like, would any of this had happened if u just been bout ur biz.

i gave cuz a few kicks, no biggie. his mom and I will handel the legal side.
any good solutions for a dry nose?

Put your face in some {()} :wink:

These girls I work with are all talking mess about each other to me but when they interact it's the most hilarious fakest stuff I've seen. Every day I go into work and I've got some new story to hear without even asking :lol:

Sounds just like my job :lol: Lulz for days from said stories though.

Ya unfortunately it's the bad part about working with young people, they don't know how to act like an adult and talk things out before heading to a supervisor and getting people suspended :smh:
I'm starting Pokemon Flora Sky when I get off :smokin ROM hacks ftw.

I'm sitting in the office playing Emerald 386 right now :lol:
saw asap bari today across the street from supreme.Dude was staring hard at my raf simons.

Also got these today
Had a dream where i felt up some sexy *** girl and today's first class of school this one girl came in and she was the girl from the dream. I was in a classroom while in the dream. I will smash
:nerd: backstory?
it is incredibly sad and I feel aorry for your and upbringing if you're scammer.
whats more cowardly than stealing from someone, some ol punk ****...
this new generation is doomed to ****. no morals, no integrity, no ethics
nothing, really.. just that he killed the 'tradition' of the thread :frown: which saddens me because i would have contributed

Tradition was for whoever won the box, to send one out?

Meh, I'm moving to a new place this weekend.

I'll see if I can come up with a box if I find anything random during the move :lol:

BET just premiered the Lupe ***** bad record. I just find it ironic how they premier that record, and on the same countdown there's a record that's the exact opposite, with rozay saying "Drop that p**** *****"...

Something isn't right about that.
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I been busy with work and havnt kept in touch...I am planning a trip to Vegas in sept. and i remember seeing a post that showed 5 free nights in vegas??? can someone link me to that thread?????
there were some interesting responses in the dilema thread. so fellas of the thread about nothing i ask.

would you rather have an STD and not feel its side effects, but your partners would or have an STD and feel it but your partners wouldn't contract?
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