the thread about nothing...

that avy 
Y'all sound like a bunch of fat middle aged womens. Talking bout diet soda and ****
And u sound like an alcolholic

Truth word to gucci
And I'll wear it! It's just apart of who I am I guess. Just like how y'all are fat middle aged diet coke sippin women

no need to get upset papi :rolleyes
My bad child. Didn't mean to come off upset. I am the furthest thing from upset :wink:
does anybody have virgin mobile?

my contract just ended with sprint and i want something cheap in the mean time before i go back. i don't use my phone at all unless it's for taking pics 
 and texting.
This internet monitoring at the new job sucks. I feel so out of the loop. I miss ya'll. :frown:

As long as you periodically check in, you're good. Nice to see you again.l
Thanks man. I'm trying to as much as possible.

I just watched Paid in Full for the 1st time. I'm only 11 years late, I know. It was actually as good as the hype.

Don't feel bad, I've only seen it in bits and pieces
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