the thread about nothing...

im not 100% in agreeance with that... saving progress has always won that argument in my eyes, i cant sit and put in 8 hours in and let it reset when i turn it off 
took my brothers to an indoor rock climbing spot today, it was mad fun, then to the movies (see: evil dead thread)... today was a cool day, I enjoyed spending time with my little homies. tomorrow: weekly hooping session... I look forward to hoopin with my friends every Sunday, one of the highlights of my week, every week.

kinda related; I need some new hobbies...
im not 100% in agreeance with that... saving progress has always won that argument in my eyes, i cant sit and put in 8 hours in and let it reset when i turn it off 
thats why you leaving it on and change the channel

or shut it off out of frustration
im not 100% in agreeance with that... saving progress has always won that argument in my eyes, i cant sit and put in 8 hours in and let it reset when i turn it off 

I used to leave the console open :lol:

I was just hoping my dad would not see that console open all night.

Some games you had codes to save :smokin
thats why you leaving it on and change the channel

or shut it off out of frustration
*Throws controller out of frustration, rips cord from back of game, has to start all over..... cries*
NES and SNES controller were real warriors.

You could throw those **** everywhere and they would never brake

learned a real lesson when i chucked a xbox 360 remote and it bounced out the window

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Also...... there should be big news regarding a certain someone who posts here in TAN :wink:
I'll kidnap his woman if I dont get that 20 bucks paypal'd to me

That'll be some big news for his ***
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