the thread about nothing...




:rolleyes enjoy this then

xbox live support woman: I'm sorry, what do MP4s do?

who the **** hires these plebs

I can't wait for that sweet, sweet PS4.
I want to get custody of one of my brothers. he is about to go into high school and I don't want him to go to school in the city. the schools are just terrible there man and to go to school out here, you have to be a resident. but not only that, you have to live with your legal guardian so he cant just move in with me, I have to be his legal guardian.... the only other option is private school... and i dont have that kind of bread lmao
I want to get custody of one of my brothers. he is about to go into high school and I don't want him to go to school in the city. the schools are just terrible there man and to go to school out here, you have to be a resident. but not only that, you have to live with your legal guardian so he cant just move in with me, I have to be his legal guardian.... the only other option is private school... and i dont have that kind of bread lmao
I feel the same way but my brother is 5. I can't do it right now, but I figure in a few years once I establish myself, I can get him. Damn I miss that lil' dude, my favorite person ever.
I love my sisters to death, but i always wanted a brother 
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Man I been training that boy since he was born. He was beating up 5 year olds at 3. The beach with him was tight cuz he always brought girls around. The perfect lil' dude ever. Wasn't spoiled or soft, great at every sport (especially football and baseball). Very respectful and he loved music he would try to sing every song I put on in the car (his favorite was Jay-Already Home). Damn I gotta stop I'ma start cryin n **** ya'll.
I want to get custody of one of my brothers. he is about to go into high school and I don't want him to go to school in the city. the schools are just terrible there man and to go to school out here, you have to be a resident. but not only that, you have to live with your legal guardian so he cant just move in with me, I have to be his legal guardian.... the only other option is private school... and i dont have that kind of bread lmao
damn hov really did you that dirty huh
Bruh, I woke up this morning and I could barely walk on my feet. Football practice and these shi*ty turf shoes killed my feet, I hope this epsom salt helps.
So, the way unusually pull females numbers is that I offer for them to take my number, that way if their interested, they call, if not, no time is wasted by either party, since females like to give out their numbers to stroke their ego.

Last night met this cute little chick at the bar, we talk for a few, then my boys want go, perfect no long drawn out convos at the bar.

I give her my number and proceed to dip, she calls me to confirm, smh.

Now the balls in my court

An to top it off I was so drunk I forget her name

Gonna have my sister call and pretend it's a wrong number though

Has this happened to anyone recently? On both my iPhone 4s and iPod 3g, I've been getting this message every time I tried to watch a YouTube video on using the safari browser and it never lets me watch the video. I can watch it on the YouTube app but not the browser. This happened to anyone or anyone know how to fix it?
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