the thread about nothing...


the way she trolls :wow:




rob :nerd:

j/k, i know its not you rob.
srsly, just calm down.
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that Knicks thread?? 
I have trolled, lurked and been hated in that thread 
. One time they changed the thread title and in it begged me to be thrown out 
. They must have forgotten that because I've posted in there recently and things have been OK. I haven't been in there in a while. It's usually good for a laugh. It's not just that one though, I lurked in a lot of others and refused to say anything in them at times.
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that Knicks thread?? 
I have trolled, lurked and been hated in that thread 
. One time they changed the thread title and in it begged me to be thrown out 
. They must have forgotten that because I've posted in there recently and things have been OK. I haven't been in there in a while. It's usually good for a laugh. It's not just that one though, I lurked in a lot of others and refused to say anything in them at times.
start posting in there again, I want to watch the ensuing mayhem
that Knicks thread?? 
I have trolled, lurked and been hated in that thread 
. One time they changed the thread title and in it begged me to be thrown out 
. They must have forgotten that because I've posted in there recently and things have been OK. I haven't been in there in a while. It's usually good for a laugh. It's not just that one though, I lurked in a lot of others and refused to say anything in them at times.
start posting in there again, I want to watch the ensuing mayhem
. If I get banned from that thread at least let me do it after the season started. There's no point now 
that Knicks thread?? 
I have trolled, lurked and been hated in that thread 
. One time they changed the thread title and in it begged me to be thrown out 
. They must have forgotten that because I've posted in there recently and things have been OK. I haven't been in there in a while. It's usually good for a laugh. It's not just that one though, I lurked in a lot of others and refused to say anything in them at times.
start posting in there again, I want to watch the ensuing mayhem
. If I get banned from that thread at least let me do it after the season started. There's no point now 
Still can't believe I got banned in the Lakers thread 
i'm not into younger guys, matt. :lol:

good luck little freshman :pimp:
thanks, yo. any general advice for a freshman?
so far i've gotten: "be very social and try to make friends" and "don't mess around with these ****"
Make as many friends as possible, drink as much alcohol as possible, get that tolerance up, don't say no to drugs, try at least each drug once, get the females thoroughly carbonated for easy access yambs.
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thanks, yo. any general advice for a freshman?
so far i've gotten: "be very social and try to make friends" and "don't mess around with these ****"
work before play. work hard, play hard. :pimp:
don't go raw. be selective with the yambs you decide to sleep with.
pour your own drinks.
manage your time wisely.... i can't emphasize that enough. i'm entering my 4th year and i still suck at time management skills.
attend every lecture, sit at the front of the lecture hall.
say hi to all your hallmates the first day (if you're dorming). my hallmates and i were like family. i miss them.
don't bring that much clothes, or many pairs of shoes either for that matter. they will take up ALOT of room. packing up when you move out will be a *****, trust.
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pasta covered in chili and siracha.... Food crack

When I was gone last week in Cincinnati they had something like skyline chili, and also had gold star, but the chili was ok imo. 

The people out there put chili on spaghetti, but I didn't try it, I just had the regular cony. 
You should try it man I'm super full right now for less than 3 dollars.

Posting just to hurry up and generate a new page.

Some of us work, Ryda...

This. Got me doing a slow scroll while two of my female co workers stand next to my desk

pasta covered in chili and siracha.... Food crack

When I was gone last week in Cincinnati they had something like skyline chili, and also had gold star, but the chili was ok imo. 

The people out there put chili on spaghetti, but I didn't try it, I just had the regular cony. 
Chili on spaghetti? w t f? 

I'm guessing antidope, you're a size 10, no?
No pause
YUP 9.5 through 10.5 depending but mostly 10
See, I knew it Antidope 

I will not YOLO in that thread but I will be there later this evening to read it 
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