the thread about nothing...

Found this on my phone today..

2018 NTMAW ele.jpeg


Damn publicists!
Had some late nights drinks with a coworker yesterday after a theater show, she's the new office manager at my job since a month or 2 ago.
At some point after the show at the bar, she asks me what I thought of her. Wasn't sure if she meant in the context of being my superior at work or just her as a person. I replied something along the lines of that she 'brings a level of excitement to the workplace, doing great revitalizing the office and that she's very likeable, none of that fake corporate nonsense.'
So I figured I might as well ask her what she thought about me, but maybe I shouldn't have :lol:
This ***** started with 'oh you're fun, I don't understand you though (laughs), you dress very flashy by any standard but even now you're very calm and have these really dead eyes, like there's no soul in there.'

She said it in her normal excited/positive tone but idk, she could've just stopped at 'oh you're fun' :lol:
It's hard to spin dead soulless eyes into a compliment
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