The Ultimate Football Thread 2013-2014 Vol. 4 EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A etc

Chelsea need a striker in the transfer window. Eto'o yesterday was buns should have had 3 goals and it if weren't for what seemed like a some what tame shot that got through by Hazard they would have tied.

Liverpool looked good yesterday and that was honestly a really fun game to watch. Coutinho (sp?) Sterling and Suarez were extremely in sync up there. I love city's team though glad they won hope aguero gets back soon same with sturridge for pool.

Poor everton yesterday too...soft red card on a foul that wasn't even a foul (granted watching it live i thought it was a pk...not a red card though)

The Replays CLEARLY show Timmy taking Sunderland's guy legs out... He even hangs his head immediately after doing it because he knew he'd messed up.

It was def soft, but he got a red because he was "last man"...
Another week, another poor Chelsea performance. We won, but somehow looked weak doing it. Oscar did nothing all game, Hazard was the only attacking threat we had.

Etoo :smh:
Another week, another poor Chelsea performance. We won, but somehow looked weak doing it. Oscar did nothing all game, Hazard was the only attacking threat we had.

Etoo :smh:

We clearly watched completely different matches.

Apparently so. You saw something positive in that performance?

Umm....we completely dominated the match. We just had poor finishing. Mata was serving up chances to Eto'o on a silver platter and he couldn't finish them. Oscar did nothing? Did you miss him being all over the pitch, tracking back to defend, putting in great tackles, and working his *** off. Should have been up 4-0 in the first half
-AVB says his next job will not be in England.
-Mackay sacked by Tan.

AVB to Wales!
I'd pay to watch AVB/Tan. :lol:
Chelsea need a striker in the transfer window. Eto'o yesterday was buns should have had 3 goals and it if weren't for what seemed like a some what tame shot that got through by Hazard they would have tied.

Liverpool looked good yesterday and that was honestly a really fun game to watch. Coutinho (sp?) Sterling and Suarez were extremely in sync up there. I love city's team though glad they won hope aguero gets back soon same with sturridge for pool.

Poor everton yesterday too...soft red card on a foul that wasn't even a foul (granted watching it live i thought it was a pk...not a red card though)

The Replays CLEARLY show Timmy taking Sunderland's guy legs out... He even hangs his head immediately after doing it because he knew he'd messed up.

It was def soft, but he got a red because he was "last man"...

idk man

View media item 712462
The sunderland player dragged his legs...he easily could have stepped over howard and i still am not sure if he actually got a piece of him. But again watching it live....i thought it was a foul. And you see last man fouls all the time not get red cards. And especially when its a goal keeper in the are getting a PK...that is the just reward...making them play a man down for the rest of the game....then you better have really taken out the guy. Refereeing is never consistent...but when i got my ref licensee when i was 18 last man fouls was always a card...but discretion can be used...a last man shirt tug to slow down at half field is still a last man foul if thats the case....but straight red would be harsh there too...
AVB did an exclusive with

Said he would never, ever manager Sporting or Benfica :pimp:. Didn't rule out coming back to Porto. England is just about done.

Honestly tho, dude is what? 36 years old or something. He's still young as hell, has plenty time.
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AVB doesn't deserve a shot at any big clubs. He needs to also learn to be a nice person too. It wasn't until the end that he assumed some responsibility for the Spurs misfortunes. He blamed everyone else, Spurs management (who are just as culpable), the supporters, the media, & his players. He had fans removed, he went after 2 well respected members of the football writing community (I know that seems like an oxy moron - respected football writers). If it weren't for Bale last year, Spurs would have looked just as miserable as they do this campaign. Really he needs to move on to his stated true passion racing motorcycles or continue being a scout. The football world is better not having him in the technical area on the sides of pitches anymore.
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idk man

View media item 712462
The sunderland player dragged his legs...he easily could have stepped over howard and i still am not sure if he actually got a piece of him. But again watching it live....i thought it was a foul. And you see last man fouls all the time not get red cards. And especially when its a goal keeper in the are getting a PK...that is the just reward...making them play a man down for the rest of the game....then you better have really taken out the guy. Refereeing is never consistent...but when i got my ref licensee when i was 18 last man fouls was always a card...but discretion can be used...a last man shirt tug to slow down at half field is still a last man foul if thats the case....but straight red would be harsh there too...

Although the actual foul or whether he dragged his foot can be debated (You can say he sold it well and Timmy practically swung his leg at nothing), giving him a red card for last man has been consistently called THIS season in the EPL.

Stoke's Marc Wilson got a Red YESTERDAY for taking down Remy in the box as last man. I mean if you're the ref and you FIRMLY believe Tim Howard Committed the foul, you HAVE to give the Red as last man... Not much discretion can be used there... if he got a piece of the ball, maybe... But he missed completely and got leg (debatable, i know)....
:lol: OMG that's hilarious... I'm outta reps, but I'll hit you back when I can... It's like she saw the devil or something... That girl is adorable...

:lol: Coupe...
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AVB doesn't deserve a shot at any big clubs. He needs to also learn to be a nice person too. It wasn't until the end that he assumed some responsibility for the Spurs misfortunes. He blamed everyone else, Spurs management (who are just as culpable), the supporters, the media, & his players. He had fans removed, he went after 2 well respected members of the football writing community (I know that seems like an oxy moron - respected football writers). If it weren't for Bale last year, Spurs would have looked just as miserable as they do this campaign. Really he needs to move on to his stated true passion racing motorcycles or continue being a scout. The football world is better not having him in the technical area on the sides of pitches anymore.

That's nonsense Psk. You're talking about a dude who is your age or a couple years older. AVB is a nice person and he is a very educated individual. Mourinho has attacked the press 100 times worse before he ever won trophy. Idk where that's coming from. If anything AVB needs to be more hard headed and arrogant.

As for managing, I said this years ago after Porto won the uefa cup - It's too soon for him to go, let's keep our team and manager and get after it in the champions league. But him and Falcao were in a hurry. (That still haunts me, if they & Porto could have waited one more year :smh:)
WHAT?!?!!!! AVB needs to be more hard headed & arrogant? That's precisely what's done him in at Chelsea & now the Spurs. Despite having world class players, he's looked so breath takingly out of his depth that it was actually sad & embarrassing to see. If you don't see that, I won't bother going into further detail. If you want him back with the Dragons, have at it. That dude is as big a dud as I've ever seen manage in any sport. You & I will agree to disagree my fine footy friend. :rolleyes
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See that this Psg and Messi rumor is picking up. Don't think Ibra is too happy about this one.
Double for Anelka.

At this rate, going to play his way back in to the France squad for WC2014. :lol:
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WHAT?!?!!!! AVB needs to be more hard headed & arrogant? That's precisely what's done him in at Chelsea & now the Spurs. Despite having world class players, he's looked so breath takingly out of his depth that it was actually sad & embarrassing to see. If you don't see that, I won't bother going into further detail. If you want him back with the Dragons, have at it. That dude is as big a dud as I've ever seen manage in any sport. You & I will agree to disagree my fine footy friend. :rolleyes

Team's and World Class Players he's managed.

1) He was at Chelsea for 7 months, a dysfunctional organization that was firing managers left and right (Scolari, Ancelotti, etc) because the owner is a lunatic who felt like an idiot after he left Mourinho leave in 07.

2) He was at Spurs for a little over a year. First year not so bad, this year he was given 7 new players from all over Europe and now that more information has come out - he didn't want to make half of those signings. He wasn't given control.

3) That Porto 2010-2011 was easily the most talented team he's ever managed with world class players. It was a tragedy Porto finished 3rd the year before and weren't allowed to go into the Champions League. You're talking about a team with Falcao, Hulk, Moutinho, Guarin, James Rodriguez, etc. What did I see him do with world class players? I saw him go undefeated in a whole season, manage a squad that ran through everything they touched and he won the treble. I've never seen a better Porto team in my life and better disciplined. That goes for the teams we won champions league's with, that goes for Mourinho's team, and that goes for anything else I've ever seen with Porto.

You have no idea what you're talking about Psk, talking about how sad and embarrassing he is :lol:? You don't even watch English football, I'm sure you barely watched the Spurs. You don't know AVB and the way he manages. You have to be confused or either reading up on too much propaganda.
De Gea, Smalling, Vidic, Evans, Evra, Young, Cleverley, Carrick, Giggs, 香川真司, Hernandez.


Lindegaard, Anderson, Welbeck, Fabio, Fletcher, Zaha, Januzaj.
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