The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2012-2013 Vol. 3 Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga etc

After Ba scored that goal, he pointed at his hand to the crowd. LOL

Ultimate troll.
Caught the Arsenal-Chelsea game early this morning. Didnt get to see the Spurs-ManU game which I wanted to see.

Will never understand how people can root for their arch rivals in any circumstances

i'm through and through United.

I care about two things, my team, and whoever is above my team that we can eliminate.

I've learned over my years that some red North London clubs fans are more focused on what their rivals are doing, than their own team.
2 minutes into Vancouver/Seattle and Freddy Montero's already diving :lol: :smh: Took a weak slap to the jaw and starts rolling around like he's been punched by Tyson.
agree with RoOk completely. AVB had to win that man, if it was Redknapp he would have just lost and AVB needed to prove that he can get something accomplished with a poor season start for Spurs right now with all the criticism. even more crazy is breaking the record that they haven't won in 23 years at Trafford
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Gonna need somebody to post close-ups of the new Nike boots later...





I'll look for some pics of the other games later... 

i'm through and through United.

I care about two things, my team, and whoever is above my team that we can eliminate.

I've learned over my years that some red North London clubs fans are more focused on what their rivals are doing, than their own team.

THIS. While I can't say if it's specifically just those fans, I have notice this quite a bit. 
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this guy.
ball to hand.

STHU. He kicked the ball HIMSELF onto his hand and used his hand to control the ball which led to UEFAlona's second goal:

And let's not forget this "red card" that reduced Sevilla to 10:

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STHU. He kicked the ball HIMSELF onto his hand and used his hand to control the ball which led to UEFAlona's second goal

Settle down. The ball ricochets up off his foot. If he actually had any control on the kick he would have simply settled it or kicked it up and headed it down rather than hand it down. It's been called both ways.

Cesc looks guilty of simulation, though Medel shouldn't have been time wasting, and he certainly shouldn't have gotten in anyone's face when called on it. There was contact, but Fabregas sold it- had he tried a Ronaldo it would have been obvious, and he probably wouldn't have gotten the call. Like how you threw that Uefalona in there for added effect by the way- witty and original.

What a display by Juventus. Zeman is who everyone thought he was. :lol:
Bayern look the strongest side in Europe in the early going.
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Settle down. The ball ricochets up off his foot. If he actually had any control on the kick he would have simply kicked it up and headed it down.

Are you friggin kidding me? It ricochets off his foot? Ha ha, what a joke of an argument! If it touches his foot FIRST and then his hand, that is illegal.

There is a ball to hand/not hand to ball compassion rule. There is no "ball ricochets off foot to hand" mercy rule.

First of all, it wasn't that difficult a ball to begin with. It wasn't travelling at 100 mph.

But forget about that. Let's say it was. So basically a player can use hands to gain control of the ball based on how difficult/fast it is?

This sure goes against the millions of times I've seen a referee call hands IMMEDIATELY when a striker tries to tame a long 100+ foot pass from a defender/defensive midfielder with his chest and he uses the part of the body right between his hand and shoulder as help. Those balls are way more difficult than this one.

I know you have a shrine devoted to Messi and that you dream about him every night, but you have no objective case. NONE! Sevilla were royally screwed. Twice! UEFAlona were victorious in the end. Just like they always are when they need a point, such as the corner kick "penalty" against AC Milan. But hey, they sure are the epitome of fair play in the games that they win 5-0.
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No one said anything about a compassion rule. It is up to the referee to decide if the ball was touched deliberately. Players usually use the hand to bring the ball under control, but you seem to think he had control on the kick, so why would then use his hand knowing play could be stopped? Touching the foot first does not make it illegal, but since you seem to be making up your own interpretation:

Even if a player gains an advantage after touching the ball with their hand, it is not a handball if the handling was unintentional.

The interpretation of FIFA Law 12 tells referees to consider a few things when determining handball infractions. First, the movement of the hand is considered. If the hand moved to the ball, then the handling of the ball is most likely intentional. But if the ball moved to the hand, it may not be intentional. Second, the distance of the player to the ball is considered. A handball that occurred from a ball played close is unexpected and most likely unintentional. But when a ball is played from far away, a player has time to anticipate the ball and avoid handling it with their arm or hand. Finally, the position of the hand is considered. Touching the ball with an arm that is hanging away from the body is not necessarily an infraction. Once again, the handling of the ball must be intentional.
taken from:

May or may not have been a handball, but I can certainly see why it wouldn't have been called as I've seen it go both ways. And yes, I have a Messi shrine, and dream of him every night. LOL. How old are you?
The rule you posted in a failed attempt to sound scientific mentions nothing whatsoever that describes that play. The rule you posted is a rule to protect DEFENDERS mainly in a penalty box if someone fires a very fast ball at them at a close distance and they can't possibly move away their arms quickly enough to avoid the ball. And not for ATTACKING players to help them control a ball better if they can't control their kick enough to tame the ball entirely through that kick. Except of course if those attacking players play for UEFAlona, apparently.

Show me a rule that says a player may use his hands (intentionally or unintentionally) AFTER he kicks the ball in an attempt to tame/control the ball better. Because that's how you actually tried to justify it, and I quote you again:

If he actually had any control on the kick he would have simply kicked it up and headed it down.

It's so blatantly stupid that I have hard time believing someone actually typed it. So to sum it up:

His first contact with the ball was a kick.
He wasn't skillful enough to completely tame the ball by using his feet alone so because he couldn't control the kick sufficiently he should be allowed the use of hands??

Quit trying to portray yourself as objective and noble, saying it could've gone both ways, bla bla bla.. There was only ONE and very obvious way that play should've been called.

And me saying that you have a Messi shrine and you dream about him every night has nothing to do with my age but knowing some of your past posts.
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The rule book doesn't differentiate. That handball rule based on intention applies to all players regardless of position. And you're still not getting it. I don't think he ever controlled it with his foot. Your original contention was that he kicked the ball onto his hand. I suggested he didn't intentionally kick the ball onto his hand because it was an uncontrolled kick, and he had no clue where it was going after it struck his foot. That would make it incidental contact - which is probably how the ref saw it. But by all means, continue to believe it's a conspiracy.

And your incredibly lame "insults" have nothing to do with my past posts, and everything to do with how big of a clown you are. You clearly dislike Barcelona which is fair enough, but you come in here telling people to STHU and spewing out juvenile insults when their opinions differ from yours. And all the while you're condescending about it, which just makes you look like a bigger lame. I mean, it's an internet forum debate. Perhaps it all somehow makes you feel better about yourself. Regardless, I'm done with this argument.
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The rule book doesn't have to state the obvious. It says that a player should be pardoned if the ball hits the hand and not vice versa, but it doesn't have to state the obvious that this doesn't count if the player in question himself kicks the ball onto his own hand due to not having controlled the kick properly. If that happened at the edge of the pitch and he had "unintentionally" kicked the ball out, it's still a throw in regardless of it's intentional or not. But we can take your route. Watch the play again, you can clearly see that he lifts his foot off the ground, meets the ball all the while anticipating it's going towards him:

Ricochet my ***. He was not stationary. It is obvious that he knew exactly what he was doing. It was a controlled but not sufficiently skillful kick. This has to be debatable for there to be a difference of opinion and for me to "insult people who have a different opinion". When something is as blatantly obvious as it is in this video evidence, there is really no debate. Only fanboy trolling on your part while ignoring the facts. So once again, provide me a rule that pardons a player and allows him to use hands (intentional or unintentional) if he doesn't manage to tame the ball properly with his feet.

What a surprise, a blind Messi fanboy who takes it personal and writes essays if/when someone says that Ronaldo is better cries out that I dislike UEFAlona.
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Looking at it through a slow motion replay isn't the best way to go about it. Here it is in real time:
Looks like it could have been an unintentional ricochet to me. And considering the referee had a second to make the call, it indeed could have gone either way, and is debatable.

I'm clearly not the one who takes the internet personally between the two of us, though I do enjoy a good sports debate. Not with you though, as you clearly don't know how to be calm & civil about it. Perhaps your social interactions are limited to the internet so you just don't know how to be. Again, don't care that you dislike Barca, though you're correct in saying I happily support them. And Messi is obviously better than CR so of course I would argue that.
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Settle down. The ball ricochets up off his foot. If he actually had any control on the kick he would have simply settled it or kicked it up and headed it down rather than hand it down. It's been called both ways.
Cesc looks guilty of simulation, though Medel shouldn't have been time wasting, and he certainly shouldn't have gotten in anyone's face when called on it. There was contact, but Fabregas sold it- had he tried a Ronaldo it would have been obvious, and he probably wouldn't have gotten the call. Like how you threw that Uefalona in there for added effect by the way- witty and original.
What a display by Juventus. Zeman is who everyone thought he was. :lol:
Bayern look the strongest side in Europe in the early going.

Elaborate :nerd:
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