The Vow movie.

I got dragged to it this past weekend, thought it was terrible. Full of basically every single cliche in movie history, and downright predictable. My g/f liked it enough, though.
At least I could pass the time trying to spot the Toronto (aka "Chicago") locations where various scenes were filmed.
Originally Posted by odog24

Never knew that men that watch chick flicks still consider themselves men


Love the good ole alpha males, too tough for this bs huh? 
 Probably the softest dude on here
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by odog24

Never knew that men that watch chick flicks still consider themselves men


Love the good ole alpha males, too tough for this bs huh? 
 Probably the softest dude man on here
These movies are made for a female audience.
personally i dont care whether guys watch it or not. I myself dont really enjoy these movies though. 
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

just in case you guys don't care to watch The Vow in its entirety.
just watch this for cliffs.

Movie isn't even that similar.

The movie was ok, ending sucked.
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by megatron

Yo I had almost no idea what this movie was about all I know it had channing tatum and rachael mcadams.

but man this was a nice movie, storyline kept me stuck to the edge of my seat. it was so sad when he "gave up" on her at the wedding party i shed a tear b, i know how that feels nah mean?

anyone else get to see this?
if not i recommend you do so!!


Dude just knocked back that chick!
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Bra, my wife told me it was cheesy as hell and that's coming from a girl that loves these types of movies....I question you bro..
exactly. Megatron you take an L here.
Channing Tatum movies are good.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by odog24

Never knew that men that watch chick flicks still consider themselves men

you should probably stop caring about other men before you cross over.

This, and it was pretty good but the ending was just too ... idk?

It was too soon to end the movie, I really liked that her memory didn't come back though. That was the diversity in the movie I guess. They didn't give the audience what they wanted.
I saw it, it was ok. Wasn't awful, thought the story overall was cool and how it came full circle. Had it's cheesy and corny moments but it's straight, she paid
There's a scene of tatum's +%$ in the movie. I guess that's an incentive for the desperate dudes to see it.
The movie doesn't look that bad. My homie and his girl are planning to see it on a double-date type thing, so I'll see how it goes.
It was ok liked it more cuz it was filmed in Chicago my city , the ending was yea a Lil cheese I'd say , but it was based off a true story which I didnt know
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