The Walking Dead - Official Thread

You already know Terminus is a trap. It's so obvious. If you have a safe haven you don't go around leaving signs everywhere for everyone to find you. 

Based on the preview and Kirkland saying something huge is going to happen I can only come to the conclusion that Rick is going to die. I guarantee it.

I can guarantee ur wrong
beth is gone...daryl should have smashed while he had the chance.....terminus looks kinda suspect...i cant wait til next week. where the spoilers at!!!!!
Based on the preview and Kirkland saying something huge is going to happen I can only come to the conclusion that Rick is going to die. I guarantee it.
Not gonna happen bro.....
It's already confirmed that season 5 starts out with Rick and his "Group" heading to Washington DC where they meet a dangerous enemy
i could tell something was wrong soon as it said lower your weapons, you will be greeted....and no greeting was present lol. just ONE woman in an entire town? talking bout "we" getting ready to eat? b****! who is we? I woulda been *guns up* automatically soon as i saw that ish
Exactly my thoughts not to mention the gates/fences are not locked? Come on now. 

Overall decent episode.
Is rosita that chick from Ned's declassified.....

EDIT: suzie crabgrass. I knew she looked familiar.
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Sasha say, "maybe my brother is there"

Maggie, not a peep.... :{

lmao for Maggie's credit Beth is a half sister so maybe she never liked her anyway lol

Maggie doesn't have to worry. Beth has the singing voice of an angel, she can probably sing and walkers would stop attacking her to listen.

Rick dies the show dies... They already blew it killing off shayne they won't do it again...

But then again it is amc their writers remind of WWE writers could be good but always blow it

rick has been annoying this season. Hope he and carl get eaten. Show doesn't rely on rick like it used to anyway.
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I think that Terminus is a trap and that lady is a cannibal. In a zombie apocalypse who is gonna leave their entrance open like that? I also think that Maggie burning her photo is some foreshadowing. I forgot all about Maggie and Beth being sisters haha, that is ****** up that she is more worried about Glenn
Yo what happened to the girl who went thru all that trouble to get some liquor.. Sorry if this has been asked or answered
Someone on another forum posted a pic of the creepy paintings Michonne and Carl saw in that house with the dead kids. The girl in the painting looks like the Terminus lady. Same braid to the side. Hmm..

Another painting in that house had a sunflower like the Terminus flowers.

Edit: ^^^ WIZARD
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That house was her family in guessing. After they all died but her she went crazy. I hope this show turns Texas chainsaw type twisted.
Lady was definitely bbqing the last group that showed up.


On another note what happened to the chick that put the actual bullet in the head of the Governor? She lost her kid while keeping watch on top of an RV on the first half of the season, and I think she's related to the girl with the big breasts that was rolling with Glenn and the rest of the group.

I wonder if they're going to show the entire group meeting up next episode or something.

Yo what if that car that took Beth is down with the Termius people and she was just cooking Beth and Glenn Maggie group is about to eat her.

I hope they all meet up next episode... I also hope Carol and Tyrese meet up with them.

I wonder how Rick is going to react when he finds out that that little girl killed his daughter... I didn't see Carol or Tyrese carrying her when they headed out last episode.

Still loving the show and think they're doing just fine and so do millions of other's because the numbers it's pulling in are crazy.
Judith isn't dead in the show.....

She was in Tyrese's backpack, Yoda style.
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Lady was definitely bbqing the last group that showed up.


On another note what happened to the chick that put the actual bullet in the head of the Governor? She lost her kid while keeping watch on top of an RV on the first half of the season, and I think she's related to the girl with the big breasts that was rolling with Glenn and the rest of the group.

She was eaten off camera after that, her ***** sister explained it to Glen which is why she was just sitting down in the prison when Glen found her.

So is Terminus split in Season 5 with the trip to Washington, DC?
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