The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I hate Lori and glad she's dead but it seems kinda too early in the season to kill her off, especially since the baby can't eat without her

Maggie was a bit rough with that knife :lol:
definitely not white skin.


T-Dog's twitter. :lol:

switched to zombie t-dog. :lol: :lol: they didn't eem give dude the time to be a zombie, doe. :smh:

a knockoff:

on another note:

damn, this episode was great. best one yet of the whole series, imo, as far as i can recall.

where's carol, doe? :nerd: she gonna come back as a zombie, perhaps. word to sophia (that would be clever, yet a little wrong lol).

maggie with the rough knife slice. :lol:

not gonna lie, i kinda didn't want lori to die like that either, but she's still kinda dumb for not thinking ahead and just sacrificing herself. how will the baby eat? :smh: but good riddance. we were all waiting for it anyway. no zombie baby, though. :\ i lowkey thought it was gonna come out a zombie, bit maggie, and lead carl to off all three of them. :lol:

i literally screamed out, "NO T-DAWG!!!" when he was shutting that gate. :lol: him tackling them walkers was kind of a dumb way to die, though, too. he could've enjoyed a few more minutes, and we could've properly said goodbye.

carl with the swag walk after he offed lori. :pimp: :lol: son looked mad pale afterwards, though. still, he's becoming a better character. and rick breaking down like he wasn't brushing her off earlier.

still don't know how kesan pulled all of that off. :lol:

andrea about to give up the yambs to merle, too, now? :lol: those scenes were annoying, too. smh except when michonne was catching on to the governor in the beginning.
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Any pics? The NT detectives will investigate.
no pics fam. just rewatch that little beginning part. i dont know if they throw the episodes online or what but you can see when he/she puts the heart down, its a white persons hand with blood all over it.

you think they would have put a glove over it or something so they had you guessing even more

judging by the bow-leggedness of that persons stance, they are would probably be a little on the older side. 

also, judging by how skinny the wrist was, it was more than likely a scrawny old man

i got a ? though, can someone tell me where that one black guy came from when him and rick were fighting?

i looked down at my phone and the next thing i seen this dude i was like who is this dude and where did he come from all the sudden?

EDIT: for the pic above, i dont know man when i seent it on tv it looked pretty white to me
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Well that was different than the comics.

Kill T-Dog to prop up the other black guy :smh: Show can't manage two black characters. It was so see through when they had T-Dog not just talking but also voicing his opinion and being soft.
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Craziest episode of ANY show and possibly movie I've ever watched. Wow
I guess they really want to focus on Carl by making him do that. Definitely more brutal than the comics.

From the previews, guess they'll be having Rick do what Tyrese did.
I told my boy the black dude from the prison was gonna replace T-Dawg as the token black guy on the show too , when he was giving his plea earlier in the episode :smh:
Maggie was still mad at Lori making Glenn get stuff from that special shopping list. :lol:
Oh...the black dude Andrew set the crew up? :nerd:

yes, bro (or at least it's heavily implied that it was him). i see that went right over your head. :lol:

the host of the talking dead just said he can't explain "these feels" that he has about the show. :lol: *typical response* he definitely lurks NT. */typical response*
Andrea is bout to give it up to Merle and stay at the little town, Michonne is about to off the governer & leave on her own, and Rick is about to lose it.

P.S. That old white prisoner was trying hard as hell to get himself a spot in the group earlier in the show. Lmao.
yes, bro (or at least it's heavily implied that it was him). i see that went right over your head.

the host of the talking dead just said he can't explain "these feels" that he has about the show.
*typical response* he definitely lurks NT. */typical response*
I still don't understand how he made it out of the yard full of walkers. I could have sworn you heard him screaming after Rick shut the door.
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