The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Well allow me to explain it to you, since you seem to be missing the obvious. 

The answer to your to your questions, is "yes" of course.

White characters are the standard in entertainment, so its without a doubt that you're going to see characters that cover the spectrum of representation. Often the overwhelming the majority in almost every television program, they're often depicted as heroic figures, amoral heroes, despicable villains to everything in between.

Characters of color hardly receive that same treatment. If they're even cast to a show to begin with. With this show specifically, they are merely just tertiary characters, or merely fodder to protect the others if they will. Badassery isn't meted out to characters of color like its freely bandied about to white characters. More often than not, characters of color are incapable, cowardly, and outright liabilities. Scarcely are they given developed character arcs that illustrate the characters on the show during their tenure. Should they begin to display that they're more than one dimensional characters, they are immediately offed. They don't go out in a blaze of glory, its often their "carelessness" that leads to their demise. Nevermind the fact that as survivors in a zombie apocalypse, they've been well conditioned to have their head on a swivel at all times...

Tyreese is a prime example of a character being mistreated. By all means a capable individual in the source material, becomes a tentative gentle giant in a time where ruthlessness is required. Gone is the toughness of this ex NFL football player, replaced instead by constant supplication to the "superiors" in his new group. The melee warrior he once was in the source material is dead. 

He's domesticated.

He's made to be a babysitter.

Meanwhile, the characters that they often sacrifice themselves for grow into more than capable bad *****. Take Carol, started out useless, and now she's Dutch from Predator. (Personally, I think this was more of a response to how terribly they wrote women in the early seasons) Tara, wanted Glenn to leave her in that tunnel when she got her ankle stuck in some debris. Now she contributes to the group. Beth didn't do a damn thing when she was introduced. Over time her singing is supposed to be some magical healing after the group endures some great adversity, and she's capable. Merle was given a chance to redeem himself after his earlier characterization.

Characters of color don't receive the same veneration by the writers on this show, as it is with most programming. Its not sensationalist to point out the pattern in their poor treatment, which has been on display time and time again.

What is ridiculous is to state that somebody is "pulling the race card" when make their observations known.

Furthermore, there is no race card. There is the reality that people of color endure, and this ridiculous fantasy that idealists insist we live in.

You just said a bunch of nothing, let's stay on topic, which is TWD...let's not go of course discussing TV in general...the show is pretty balanced and it's not racist, 1 of the 2 most constant bad **** in the show IS black, Michone and Daryl, the only 2 that since day 1 have been on point....not even Rick got that treatment, even the main white character was neutered for about a season and a half....lets talk furthermore about Michone, since black characters are useless and liabilities, Michonne SAVED Ricks life, Morgan SAVED Ricks life....the only other character that has saved the main character has been Glenn....there have been other black characters that have done their part like any other character, they went through the same exact transition...they are not that useful or good till the episode when they die, Merle for example....the only character you can argue they dumped on was Tyrese based on the source material, however I don't think they did it intentionally...I think it was more of a power balance and a lot to do with how Daryls character was created...I don't read the comics, but from my understanding Daryl = Tyrese...obviously Norman Reedus is a huge fan favorite and they simply were not gonna replace him, nothing to do with color...the rest of the black characters had a great run...Bob was an alchy but he redeemed himself well, even landed some Yambs, something no white man on the show since Shane has, TDawg was a good character with good morals and died a hero, the dude from the prison had a much better fate than his cell I said a million times over, the show just doesn't kill off blacks, they kill off just about any character, kids included...only a few characters are safe from death 1 or 2 if Morgan comes back ARE black.
You just said a bunch of nothing, let's stay on topic, which is TWD...let's not go of course discussing TV in general...the show is pretty balanced and it's not racist, 1 of the 2 most constant bad **** in the show IS black, Michone and Daryl, the only 2 that since day 1 have been on point....not even Rick got that treatment, even the main white character was neutered for about a season and a half....lets talk furthermore about Michone, since black characters are useless and liabilities, Michonne SAVED Ricks life, Morgan SAVED Ricks life....the only other character that has saved the main character has been Glenn....there have been other black characters that have done their part like any other character, they went through the same exact transition...they are not that useful or good till the episode when they die, Merle for example....the only character you can argue they dumped on was Tyrese based on the source material, however I don't think they did it intentionally...I think it was more of a power balance and a lot to do with how Daryls character was created...I don't read the comics, but from my understanding Daryl = Tyrese...obviously Norman Reedus is a huge fan favorite and they simply were not gonna replace him, nothing to do with color...the rest of the black characters had a great run...Bob was an alchy but he redeemed himself well, even landed some Yambs, something no white man on the show since Shane has, TDawg was a good character with good morals and died a hero, the dude from the prison had a much better fate than his cell I said a million times over, the show just doesn't kill off blacks, they kill off just about any character, kids included...only a few characters are safe from death 1 or 2 if Morgan comes back ARE black.
Noah was killed off because he was going to be on another show. Oscar (prisoner) was killed off just like the other prisoner Axel was killed really quick.. they just weren't that important nothing to do with being black or not. Bob died to advance the Terminus storyline and develop Sasha.
Bruh this is NT. EVERYTHING is an agenda against black people.

its really not

What NT are you visiting?

So jimmies are rustled that little noah died and the show / media is racist...

but not in the second episode when merel just outright drops the N bomb

If that was too, why continue to watch it for another 5 seasons if you actually have an issue with it... :x

Dudes just want a reason to complain, you know just like some females.

Basically all the black characters, it all started with Tdog. "Dude is worthless always getting ppl killed, hope they off him"..... Then they do. "They did Tdog dirty, This show is racist" [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]


NT Logic my man...


Dudes are writing senior thesis for this show that's how in their feelings they are at the moment. Need to make an issue out of anything :lol: terrible. Some of you guys remind me of that dude from don't be a menace, have to fight the good fight.
What about Buttons? The horse was black, why did he have to die so soon? Must be rampant racism against animals too.

how yall figure herschel replaced dale tho?  
The governor kidnapped Andrea,ties her to a chair. the governor tells milton to stab andrea, but milton tries to stab governor, the governor stabs him before he can. then he locks both of them in the room. milton turns while andrea is tied to the chair
Oh yeah I gotchu. Then she gets bit last second.
They did Andrea wrong. They could have at least gave her a memorable/reasonable death. Worst finale of the series still.
Carroll goes straight to, he hit his wife, he needs to be murdered.
Whoa lady, can we get a jail maybe, a trial, maybe even a talking too? We gotta just kill the guy? ***** crazy.

this 0 to 100 ness is what the comic is about.
can we stop derailing the thread and get back to what this thread is supposed to be about: talking about how terrible the show is? thanks.

as entertaining as the last episode was, a lot of it was absurd. which I'm fine with. I wish there was a real antagonist though and not just a bunch of weak cowards. btw deana's husband is the new dale/Hershel, which means he'll be killed by the end of the season.

how many legitimate enemies are left in Alexandria? drunk doctor, Charlie sheen sidekick, maybe one guy from the construction site (the main guy sided with Abraham already), and who else? non-ambiguous duo is on Daryl, unless of course he sleeps with Daryl and then ankle guy turns on them, but he's too skinny and would break from the recoil of a gun.

really it's shaping up to be everyone on Rick's side except a couple bad apples and not the true war we had with the governor. so it's just going to boil down to some soap opera drama these next two episodes and one of the regulars is going to get accidentally killed just like with beth in the hospital.

the real challenges will have to be left for another season.

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