The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Originally Posted by CP1708

Not one bullet. They wanted them to pass.
Thank you. A barricade of... walkers? 
 A barricade made of something that every experienced group has dealt with by the hundreds?
:rofl: @ Him shooting her in the arm to give himself the time to get one more quip in.:rofl:

The writing in this show is so ridiculous sometimes.
Rick crew already killed 35+ and they STILL have multiple crews spread out in double digits each.

Gotta be 100 deep :wow:
Originally Posted by ATokenBlack

A whole lot of nothing going on so far....
Damn generation of instant gratification. 

Build up, dude. Been a lot of buildup into this episode the last few weeks with all the victories from the main group, and now buildup within the episode to have an extra hype last 10 minutes.
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