The Wealthiest Person In Every State...

This "he's rich so he must've stolen it" notion is a poor man's mentality. Bloomberg built his company from the ground up through technological innovation and hard work. Next time do a little research before posting nonsense.

I never said he stole anything.

I just don't trust any of these politicians, no matter how hard they try to convince the public that they earned their wealth an honest way.
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nah... he owns media outlets, channels and such..

dont get it twisted, he give ALOT away to charity...

NYC loved him enough to re-elect him 3 (THREE!!!) times...

this is his final year...
he gets reelected because of his name...

his media empire only caters to a select few too, also charitable donations are only made for photo ops or for the deductions and whatnot at the end of the year.

these folks only look out for their own kind, the rich.
Bloomberg BEEN wealthy/among the wealthiest way before he became Mayor. Idk why y'all shaking your heads lol
Whenever I see lists like this, it puts in perspective the whole 'illuminati' thing. These are the wealthiest, there are people who came second and third in those states. To think ALL these folks could come together and set up a global conspiracy is a logistical nightmare, especially keeping it secret in 2013. But hey, if believing the only reason you can't succeed is because of someone else, you don't deserve to be on that list anyway.
Bill Gates IS the illuminati
where can i sign up?
Miguel Bloombito rides the subway tho.
Does he actually?

I heard he had a place in forest hills but I'm pretty sure he spends most of his time in a place in Manhattan somewhere

And if he does actually take the subway, dude probably has bodyguards with him and at every station along the route in case something happens
but seriously, though....

Forget Occupy Wall Street.

Let's Occupy these people's properties en mass.

Next time people wanna riot in huge numbers like the thousands, we should go straight to these people's homes and do it.

Why? Because theyre rich right?

Or because they in your opinion got their money immorally?

If so how about you start with your local weed dealer and work ya way up.
but seriously, though....

Forget Occupy Wall Street.

Let's Occupy these people's properties en mass.

Next time people wanna riot in huge numbers like the thousands, we should go straight to these people's homes and do it.

Why? Because theyre rich right?

Or because they in your opinion got their money immorally?

If so how about you start with your local weed dealer and work ya way up.

i don't care about how they got it.

they're rich. i'm not. i wanna take their ****.

it's that simple.

i like how you formed my opinion for me, though.
lol tried to look up the dude from my state (MI, Kenneth Dart) and everything is about this dude dodging taxes

but i did find dudes operation, Dart Enterprises

don da blackwear
I knew James Menard was caking, but not like that :x

Let's remember, Bill would be worth EVEN MORE if he didn't give away so much of his money. He's probably donated more $ to charity on this list than most have made in their lifetimes.
but seriously, though....

Forget Occupy Wall Street.

Let's Occupy these people's properties en mass.

Next time people wanna riot in huge numbers like the thousands, we should go straight to these people's homes and do it.
Why? Because theyre rich right?

Or because they in your opinion got their money immorally?

If so how about you start with your local weed dealer and work ya way up.
i don't care about how they got it.

they're rich. i'm not. i wanna take their ****.

it's that simple.

i like how you formed my opinion for me, though.
point blank

im not ridin with a thousand + army doe, that only leaves 6.6Ms for me, i need at least a billi
but seriously, though....

Forget Occupy Wall Street.

Let's Occupy these people's properties en mass.

Next time people wanna riot in huge numbers like the thousands, we should go straight to these people's homes and do it.

Why? Because theyre rich right?

Or because they in your opinion got their money immorally?

If so how about you start with your local weed dealer and work ya way up.

"Morality" and "law" aren't the same...
I'm trying to flit from home to home and state to state....

I roll dolo from state to state. 
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