The White Savior Industrial Complex.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I remember reading something someone on here posted. It was a social research paper. It interviewed 30 random white people and asked them why are they proud of being white. The answered ranged from, "I won't get discriminated against." "Police won't randomly stop me." "I won't be followed around stores." Basically anything that happens to Hispanics/Blacks.

Now when the same question was asked to Blacks/Hispanics, their answers actually spoke on culture. Things their people do and how they do it.

So that should tell you something right there. Generally speaking, whites will never understand their advantage until it is gone (if that ever happens). Because life is just "normal" now so of course they don't view it as an advantage.

We had this discussion in my Race class... basically different races of people stood up and shared what they felt being their race meant in America.

And one white girl brought up the same point that you just said - she said that most non-whites have pride in their heritage and culture, while most whites had pride in their privilege and advantages.

I never really thought of it again, but your post was almost an exact echo of what was said.
There isn't a word,feeling,tone or description in human dialect that could fully convey the utter tiredness of humans that I have. God you guys are boring. I'm sitting here evolved past my stereotypes of race, culture and class in anticipation of some damn aliens finally unveiling themselves and just like the simple cavemen that you are you go mucking that all up with talk of race in 2012! The big homies from outer space aren't gonna rock with us until the general consensus is that we've evolved. Man comeon already with the white folks do this and black folks do that I wanna go to mars already man! Sure structurally our system is set up in a way wherein its easier for certain ethnic groups to succeed but at the same time you have the ability and power to trump all of that. Everyone plays the victim role so its easier at some point to swallow the fact that they didn't give their all. This is a losers conversation, at the end of the day the go getters are gonna get it despite where they are from or what they look like and the have nots are gonna continue to point the finger on circumstances. Please get it together ya'll I'm tyna see what Neptune is like in the summer time.
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