The Wire

May 1, 2009
For those who have seen this do you think it's one of the best television series you've ever seen?
I just started it, i like it. Ive seen better tv series IMO.

I dont feel like i can watch all of the seasons, ill probably just kill the first season and just dead it.
Originally Posted by M0B DEEP

nope.. never seen a single episode. When does it air? maybe i should check it out.
You should check it out online since the series is done. I'm not sure if it replays on HBO or anywhere else.
Originally Posted by ddrtronco

For those who have seen this do you think it's one of the best television series you've ever seen?

Nope, IT IS the best television series I have ever seen.
I wouldn't say the best (that goes to LOST), but it is definitely the most thought out, most developed show ever created.
Name another show that has character development on the level of The Wire. NONE.
The story line was well thought out, I mean they devoted season 2 (...zzzzz) to just setting up WHERE the cocaine connect was coming from.
Once you get passed season 2, the character development only gets better. Even though they are the bad guys, you get attached to people like bell, brody, Omar,and that lil dude that was always thinkin about the P (dude looked like he was 13 goin on 35 with that 5 oclock shadow).
Definately probably will be one of the most intriguingly deep, and complex shows of my lifetime (LOST too).

(LOST is better)
That is the thing I dispise most with the wire. The only things it had going for it, attention to detail, running story line, character development. Had JUSTbeen done by the Sopranos,and much better might I add. The acting was ehhh, and the two best characters Stringer Bell, and Brody were never fully delved into.Also KEEMA IS THE WORST ACTRESS TO EVER BE ON HBO.
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