The WNBA is officially on life support Vol. Sponsors on jerseys

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Sure, you'd see a few cuties in tight spandex, but get back at me when you see someone like Tina Thompson in spandex.

There goes my good night sleep.
^ And a woman similarly qualified as a man is generally underpaid when given a job equal in comparison because... she's just not as good as him.



The mental aspect plays a bigger part here than you're apparently willing to accept. I could get into this deeper, with talk of how Jackie Robinsonbreaking the color barrier and succeeding was monumental both because of the civil rights movement of the time AND because black athletes were largelyconsidered inferior athletes, but I'm not sure you'd see how the public acceptance and respect of a group affects the collective opinion of the groupin that situation, either.
Originally Posted by you big dummy

Originally Posted by Statis22

WNBA was in trouble when the Comets folded

If this is their way to generate extra money coming in then I guess it has to be done
the Comets folded, when did that happen?

I was wondering why Tina Thompson was on the Sparks now.

Last year after the season. They couldn't find a new owner and it was costing the previous owner too much money and he wasn't making any. So he gavethe franchise to the WNBA and when they couldn't find a taker they went on a shut the team down.

It's a sad situation when the flagship team of your league and the most dominant team in team sports history folds.
They don't put out a good product, so there's no reason for me to care about the WNBA at the moment.
Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

Whoever at LifeLock signed off on that deal should be fired on the spot, taken to a room and be forced to watch WNBA games for the rest of their pathetic life.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Not mad.

Just frustrated.

I know the WNBA is on life support, and has never really been an overwhelming success. That's obvious, and denying that would make me naive and... blindthere .

But people are just as naive if they deny that is a direct correlation between the failure of the WNBA (or any professional women's sport) and the fact that women are simply not respected the same as men, in any society.

Not to make it a sociological, cultural, gender related topic, but that's the truth; women in the same position or granted the same opportunity as men as not received with the same jubilation or granted the same shadows of doubt. They are trusted less, scrutinized more, and criticized more harshly despite sometimes even being... better. Am I saying that the WNBA is better than the NBA? Not at all. Am I say that I have only met one person, online or offline, that ha given the WNBA (and women's sports) a fair shot? Yes. Heck, Kiddin Like Jason posted a reply one that was simply a
emoticn and the text
'women's sports'. And now, a bunch of people are reading this going 'That's my dude, right there. SO funny, and just tells it like it is.'

I guess he is telling it like it is, though. Men collectively respect women's sports (including the WNBA) as much as they collectively respect women... which is a problem, because collectively, men don't trust, respect, or appreciate women to a degree that allows something like a professional women's basketball league to experience success. Denying that is naive and... blind.
I don't disagree that there is plenty of this going on in here and in general in society...but you also speak as though it's impossiblethat somebody could give the WNBA a fair chance and still hate it - when the reality is, I think a lot of men DID try to give it a fair chance - guys atESPN/ABC who used to televise the stuff semi-regularly, until they saw nobody was watching it.

Maybe the stigmas you speak of really are the problem - but maybe they are just part of the problem, and you and the WNBA would be in the same boat nowregardless of societies shortcomings in dealing with gender equality.

I mean - do you blame the XFL's failures on the same sort of thing? Sometimes these leagues just don't work... you can't always just blame therest of the world for not digging something you do, sometimes you're just goign to like stuff that other people don't and it's not societies fault. Hell, some people might say it actually makes you more interesting as a human being.
reminds me to cop some Libert tix. Season starts Sunday. holla

no sarcasm.... I really plan on going.
Im temtped to say id lifelock taurasi.. but eh not that confident lol
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

reminds me to cop some Libert tix. Season starts Sunday. holla

no sarcasm.... I really plan on going.
I'm going to

getting floor seats for like $40 ftw especially when they do better than the Knicks and them joints be like 300+
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

the money for women is overseas.
That's the truth...I remember reading that women like Taurasi made over 300k playing in a Russian league...however, the league was sketchy ashell, and no one knew where the funding came from. The owner of the team that Taurasi played on was a creep....

getting floor seats for like $40 ftw especially when they do better than the Knicks and them joints be like 300+

Floor seats for $ could probaly check yourself into the game for $45
floor seats are probably the only seats needed with the amount of people wanting to watch those games
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

They don't put out a good product, so there's no reason for me to care about the WNBA at the moment.

NT just say yall don't respect female hoopers , the product is decent

That sucks...hope the league can continue tho cause there are a lot of talented women out there.
this is the one thing i will always commend david stern on, the wnba is needed, and is good for womens sports.

and i don't see how this sponsorship move correlates to a lack of money for the wnba, that's like saying every soccer league is out of money. this is asmart move that more teams should copy.
Just like European and Asian basketball teams, sponsor's logo on their jerseys. The WNBA should just go away.
Not mad.

Just frustrated.

I know the WNBA is on life support, and has never really been an overwhelming success. That's obvious, and denying that would make me naive and... blindthere .

But people are just as naive if they deny that is a direct correlation between the failure of the WNBA (or any professional women's sport) and the fact that women are simply not respected the same as men, in any society.

Not to make it a sociological, cultural, gender related topic, but that's the truth; women in the same position or granted the same opportunity as men as not received with the same jubilation or granted the same shadows of doubt. They are trusted less, scrutinized more, and criticized more harshly despite sometimes even being... better. Am I saying that the WNBA is better than the NBA? Not at all. Am I say that I have only met one person, online or offline, that ha given the WNBA (and women's sports) a fair shot? Yes. Heck, Kiddin Like Jason posted a reply one that was simply a
emoticn and the text
'women's sports'. And now, a bunch of people are reading this going 'That's my dude, right there. SO funny, and just tells it like it is.'

I guess he is telling it like it is, though. Men collectively respect women's sports (including the WNBA) as much as they collectively respect women... which is a problem, because collectively, men don't trust, respect, or appreciate women to a degree that allows something like a professional women's basketball league to experience success. Denying that is naive and... blind.
I don't disagree that there is plenty of this going on in here and in general in society...but you also speak as though it's impossible that somebody could give the WNBA a fair chance and still hate it
I'm not speaking like that at all, because I've never mentioned that as an impossibility, because that's absolutely possible.
when the reality is, I think a lot of men DID try to give it a fair chance
You can say that it'sa reality that you think a lot of men gave the WNBA a fair shot, but you can't sit there and say that it's areality that a lot (a LOT?) of men gave the WNBA a fair shot. I've made it no secret that I've been a WNBA fan since the beginning, and I remember thebeginning. VERY few (the opposite of 'a lot') men were fans in the beginning, and just the same, very few men are fans now.
Maybe the stigmas you speak of really are the problem - but maybe they are just part of the problem, and you and the WNBA would be in the same boat now regardless of societies shortcomings in dealing with gender equality.
Again, I'm not denying that as a possibility at all, because it's certainly a possibility.
I mean - do you blame the XFL's failures on the same sort of thing? Sometimes these leagues just don't work... you can't always just blame the rest of the world for not digging something you do, sometimes you're just goign to like stuff that other people don't and it's not societies fault. Hell, some people might say it actually makes you more interesting as a human being.
It's funny you mention the XFL, because I'd be willing to bet that the XFL's championship game was more watched than any WNBA gameever. I'd almost be willing to bet that the average XFL viewer rating was higher than any WNBA's year of average viewer ratings. The XFL was a spinoffleague that didn't work, because it was a mockery; the WNBA is a league that's not working in large part because it's comprised entirely of agender that has been seen as the lesser, weaker gender for... well... forever.
Look....WNBA gets beef for the obvious reasons. We know that.

But beyond that you have the classic case of "we are going to tell you what to watch." And that RARELY works in America. The WNBA wasnt somegrassroots league that started with a small following and then worked its way up to high demand and people wanting it (and then watching it) on TV. It wasinstead yet another league that was created and thrown on TV and pushed through the men's league.....and people reacted accordingly. Sports work in thiscountry when there is a demand for it and things evolve through those demands. Not when you create something and throw it in prime time and say "watchthis."

To me at least it is somewhat similar to today's media and their annointing of "the next ones" before they even play. In the old day players hadto earn fans' respect and do damage and thus become popular. Now everyone is hyped before they even step foot on a pro field, fans get sick of that hype,and people are turned off. The WNBA has been around now for awhile....but it's not around for the right reasons, i.e. making a profit on its own. Its acompany that's in the toilet, most basketball fans know that, and yet they still have to see it attached to their beloved NBA, their "sportscenterhighlights" and their prime time TV viewing. And with that you are always going to get more of a backlash because again.....did the league earn this or isthis something being forced? There is your answer.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Look....WNBA gets beef for the obvious reasons. We know that.

But beyond that you have the classic case of "we are going to tell you what to watch." And that RARELY works in America. The WNBA wasnt some grassroots league that started with a small following and then worked its way up to high demand and people wanting it (and then watching it) on TV. It was instead yet another league that was created and thrown on TV and pushed through the men's league.....and people reacted accordingly. Sports work in this country when there is a demand for it and things evolve through those demands. Not when you create something and throw it in prime time and say "watch this."

To me at least it is somewhat similar to today's media and their annointing of "the next ones" before they even play. In the old day players had to earn fans' respect and do damage and thus become popular. Now everyone is hyped before they even step foot on a pro field, fans get sick of that hype, and people are turned off. The WNBA has been around now for awhile....but it's not around for the right reasons, i.e. making a profit on its own. Its a company that's in the toilet, most basketball fans know that, and yet they still have to see it attached to their beloved NBA, their "sportscenter highlights" and their prime time TV viewing. And with that you are always going to get more of a backlash because again.....did the league earn this or is this something being forced? There is your answer.

I agree - some good points in there. You can't just create something out of thin air and expect a following. And if your only goal for a sports league isto be a business like the big 4, you are probably going to fail. The market is too saturated.
Soon as all of these men hating on the WNBA have daughters who want to play in that league, then, there might be a small change in the way it isperceived.

I have a small daughter and everytime she sees me watching the NBA she picks up her nerf basketball and runs around the house dunking on everything. Firsttime she saw a WNBA commercial, she was stunned. Stopped her dead in her tracks. She had no idea it was ok for girls to play basketball on tv.

I have no idea if she'll have the talent or the drive, or even want to play basketball as a career when she grows up, but I would love for the league tostill be around to at least give her the oppurtunity to dream about it, or reach for it. And I am not a fan, or follower of the WNBA. But I suspect if mydaughter became enamored with it, I would gain interest. And I suspect there are other fathers out there that would take a similar approach as me.

If not, then society is truly doomed, and our daughters have no hopes for a better future where they aren't expected to just clean up after some loser man,and cook him dinner every night.
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