The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer

Very good movie. I got to watch at home because my boy was able to snag a bootleg version. Good quality too. Wasn't planning to see this 3-hour movie in theaters.

It was easy to see why the movie lasted that long. Lots of character development during the one-on-one scenes with Leo. Crazy way to live though. I was stressed out watching a lot of that wondering how they can live like that with all those drugs and all the illegal activity. :lol:

That chick was yumm...Started at as an american dream and it was all spoiled once everything caught up to him. Usually how it goes. Leo was great and I liked Jonah in the movie as well.
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Watched it twice but can't recall the gay scene? I think we can all agree Margot Robbie is very attractive but c'mon. Unless you weren't paying attention.
I remembered it right after dude labeled it, I just blanked for a minute since that's only a focal point in the film for a few minutes. So much going on for 3 hours that that part slipped out of my head for the obvious reasons. Like who wants to sit there and ponder about that scene :lol:
Just finished watching it. Jonah Hill stole the show. 3hrs went by REAL fast.
This movie was downright hilarious, i enjoyed every minute of it. It blew American Hustle away, i found that movie boring. Leo driving that Lamo coked up though :rofl:

Am I the only person that confused Margot Robbie with Jamie Presley at first near the beginning of this movie?
Just saw it Friday night. 

Was the drugs, sex and partying typical behaviour at these over the counter brokerage firms in the 90's in NYC? Or did this stuff just take place at Stratton Oakmont?
Just saw it Friday night. 

Was the drugs, sex and partying typical behaviour at these over the counter brokerage firms in the 90's in NYC? Or did this stuff just take place at Stratton Oakmont?
Yes, Wall Street was much more wild back then.

It still happens, but it's much more low-key/behind closed doors now.
Just watched this and it got me wanting to finesse stock market, do mountains of rich white people cocaine and **** models

This how they really live lol?
Since this joint dropped on Netflix I was finally able to catch it.

Great movie. Martin Scorsese is an amazing director.

It's incredible that he can make a movie where you completely dislike every single character. And supposedly the real Jordan Belfort is a complere scumbag to this very day
finally got around to seeing this. I'll have to skim through this thread when i have nothing to do. reminded me a lot of blow, and the humor was similar to Wanted. Good watch. When he was selling over the phone in that mom n pop stock shop son was like a wizard with the words. wife was smoking hot as mentioned. first half was wildly entertaining. it fell off around the middle and started to drag big time.
For those complaining that his main group of friends/employees were portrayed as dumb, I met someone that knew Jordan and his crew personally and he said they were even dumber in person. Truly a big group of dimwitted morons.
My boys and I hired midgets as servers and bartenders for a Christmas party we were hosting a few years back and legit discussed the ****** throwing idea :lol:
:stoneface: you proud of this?

We were young, making money, wild, reckless and probably similar to that Wolf of Wall Street crew tbh (but actually intelligent with good jobs). Just stating the idea wasn’t that far fetched. Plus they would have gotten big money. You could probably host a PPV if you did it with that short dude that’s been trending about not getting yambs :lol:
We were young, making money, wild, reckless and probably similar to that Wolf of Wall Street crew tbh (but actually intelligent with good jobs). Just stating the idea wasn’t that far fetched :lol:

How old are you now?

What year did you come up with this dumb *** idea?

Your laughing emoji shows me you haven't grown up from that part of your life.

And yes I know you're white.
How old are you now?

What year did you come up with this dumb *** idea?

Your laughing emoji shows me you haven't grown up from that part of your life.

And yes I know you're white.

Relax, I’m laughing at the short dude that was complaining on video about being stunted on and is now flourishing :pimp: :pimp: and also the scene in general. It was the year of the movie so 2014. It was partly situation because of our age and lifestyles. There is close to zero probability that we would have gone through with it but it was a funny drunken conversation, similar to in the movie. I don’t even go out anymore or see my boys like that. I would never even entertain that now, though so I would certainly say there was growth.
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