The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

For those who've enjoyed this franchise thus far, do you truly feel that this is remotely close to getting the most out of the Wolverine character?
No but to me that's not Jackman's fault. Better writer and director and he'd be in the position to portray the best Logan.

But even with a better writer and director we have to be realistic. We're not getting a rated R Wolverine movie. So anything in the comics you're craving for won't be accurately depicted in a film.
this movie was soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. everything about it was generic. i didn't see logan at all. i saw some dude with claws in japan doing things to save a girl. i LOVE wolverine. i can even tolerate origins but this movie just was beyond terrible imo. best part of the movie was when logan regenerates from the atomic blast and thats about it. everything else sucked. MARVEL PLEASE SOME HOW GET THE RIGHTS BACK AND DO WOLVERINE JUSTICE.

how can one of the most popular comic book characters get such bad treatment.
Wow. I can probably provide a few dozen comics where Logan is there to save a girl. I don't know how you're claiming to be a fan and can say that. Only time dude is in Japan is to save a girl or for revenge.

:lol: :smh: :stoneface: @ saying Origins was better than this :x
out of curiosity can anyone name a scene that was memorable that wasn't in the trailer?
I never watched the trailer but the part when the a-bomb burned him and when they cut off his claws. I aint expect them to do that at all.
out of curiosity can anyone name a scene that was memorable that wasn't in the trailer?

His claws being chopped-off.

Bone claws.

Ripping that spiderbot from his heart by himself.

Train scene (yeah it was in the trailer but it was much better seeing the whole thing in the film).

Being scorched by the bomb.

Throwing DK off the ledge to the pool.

Jeans bewbs.


DofP tease.
I'm simply trying to gauge how you well you feel the solo Wolverine franchise has done at portraying what you interpret to be an accurate depiction of the character, "Wolverine," as it stands in your mind.

For example, we've seen 3 versions of the Hulk/Bruce Banner. I feel that the 1st version tried to paint the Hulk in too graceful of a light while portraying Banners life as some slow paced drama. I felt the latter 2 version did a much better job at portraying I what I feel the Hulk is. The 2nd version had him on the run, as opposed to being the "lab scientist," which I feel helped a lot. The latest version even added a nice piece of dark humor, to boot. In that same light, could you possibly describe how you feel this franchise has done to portray Wolverine?

I would then like a definitive "yes" or "no" as to whether you feel this franchise is successfully tapping the potential of the Logan/Weapon X/Wolverine character.

I mentioned no actors or directors. I'm speaking in terms of overall finished product only.
So that wasn't really Poison Ivy's.... I mean Viper's voice? dubbed?

Asian villains get no love
Wolverine is almost 40 years old and there are numerous interpretations and changes in the character. One moment he is a loaner and the next thing you know he is part of every Marvel group imaginable. Wolverine has been in so many teams and books that the writers has made him inconsistent too, even his origins gets a bit confusing at time, hell his origins wasn't even really revealed until 10 years ago when he was revealed to be James Howlett (not even sure if this still considered canon today).

Most people do not read comics and most only relate to him through the 90's cartoon but comic enthusiast can likely dissect those versions difference from the comics. He also keeps changing in the different cartoon versions and there must be at least 5-8 different cartoons with Wolverine in it now?

You are also asking a very difficult question, you can't ***** it like you did with Hulk because right now, Jackman is Wolverine. There has been no alternative to compare him to but he has embodied Wolverine and in my opinion, it started right at X1. I mean look at the others here who wants a new Wolverine but suggests Shane from Walking Dead be considered the next Wolverine because of that one scene but the thing is, he looked like Jackmans Wolverine with the beaters on and that weird hair.

How about we flip the script here, what specifically about Jackmans Wolverine you do not like? Provide specific examples if possible and let us know which books/cartoon show you relate Wolverine to?

I still do not think they can tap the characters full potential in a kid friendly film, make this film like darker version of KickAss and it will be much, much better. Make him more gritty and violent and just cuss everyone out, let him go savage and berserk. Sadly, we really would not see that. At the end of the day, X1-X3 were still an ensemble film with him at the center. The film also came out in 2000 and pretty much started all the comic book film craze. The film had nothing to copy or follow like Nolans Batverse or Marvels Phase planning, which most just want to do these days. Origins was a failure but Jackman was still overall good in what he was given and the film, character-wise, it provided us with a good understanding of his personality and how he was before and after those events, it also showed us his relationship with Sabertooth (which is probably one of the best part of the film though there wasn't many to pick from). This film is much better because it is all about Wolverine and he really is the main focus, it is all on him and we see him develop and evolve. In DofP, looks like we are back at an even bigger ensemble cast with Wolverine at the center, I do wish he had a minor role in it but sadly that isn't what we are getting.
out of curiosity can anyone name a scene that was memorable that wasn't in the trailer?

His claws being chopped-off.

Bone claws.

Ripping that spiderbot from his heart by himself.

Train scene (yeah it was in the trailer but it was much better seeing the whole thing in the film).

Being scorched by the bomb.

Throwing DK off the ledge to the pool.

Jeans bewbs.


DofP tease.
WAIT A GOD DAMN MINUTE...................................................

WE GET TO SEE JEANS BEWBS???? :wow: like nipple areola and all????
His claws being chopped-off.

Bone claws.

Ripping that spiderbot from his heart by himself.

Train scene (yeah it was in the trailer but it was much better seeing the whole thing in the film).

Being scorched by the bomb.

Throwing DK off the ledge to the pool.

Jeans bewbs.


DofP tease.
All of this 
So was this better than his origin movie?

If yes, was this movie comparable to First Class?

Trying to gauge whether to watch this in the theater or just wait till the blu ray comes out.
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I personally don't think it was better than Origins,
The story was told a bit better, but the action could've been way better.
They wasted so many good opps to make things more awesome.

Origins was pure actions even if cgi was a bit corny that was better.. only thing hated about origins was deadpool at the end honestly. the rest I had absolutely no problem with.
Quick question any know anything about China Doll?? Does she have any relation to this movie??
So was this better than his origin movie?

If yes, was this movie comparable to First Class?

Trying to gauge whether to watch this in the theater or just wait till the blu ray comes out.
Better than origins.

Not better than first class.

It's not worth going to the theater to see it, but if you went you would get your money's worth.

If that makes sense.
His claws being chopped-off.

Bone claws.

Ripping that spiderbot from his heart by himself.

Train scene (yeah it was in the trailer but it was much better seeing the whole thing in the film).

Being scorched by the bomb.

Throwing DK off the ledge to the pool.

Jeans bewbs.


DofP tease.

"DK" :lol: :lol: dude looks exactly the same just with a mustache. also thanks to TD, i knew what "gaijin" meant!
yea can you imagine that? dude cant even speak english properly lol

or keanu reeves :x

ewwww and Keanu is doing that Ronin movie coming out soon... good concept gone to waste on a bad actor........... smh :smh:
Reminds me of when some other white actor did a samurai movie. All that ever does is remind me of movies in the 50s,60s, and before when white dudes would play Asian men with the makeup and tape on their eyes to slant it more :smh:
i wanted to tear that lil red head chick apart. i dunno why tho. musta been the school girl outfit
ppl have to understand your never going to see a PURE comic book storyline on the silver screen...

these studios have money to make and have to appeal to a MEDIAN audience who has never even picked up a comic book....

Its like cats dont know there are hella different variations of logan through ought the marvel comics timeline....his character has been remade, reborn, and revamped so many times.

The Wolverine is a dope culmination of the most purest storylines hes associated with but presented it is own unique way....

For me, Its basically "the movie" had "the cartoon show" had the OG hulk-hunter had "savage lands" wolverine....wolverine 2099...etc......each with a unique story line and slight variations from one another

i dont even know what this "Origins" movie is that yall are babbling about in here...:x
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Movie was great, imo. Only thing that really bothers me with Wolverine is that there's way more to him than what's portrayed in the movies. He needs his own trilogy, away from the X-Men.
Could someone explain the bone claws?

in the comics its was revealed that his claws werent part of the adamantium infusion, but he always had them and they are a part of his skeleton.

View media item 517810x-men 25, magneto pulls out wolverine's adamantium (epic scene, i have this one at home. the hologram on the cover is all scratched up now :lol: :smh: )

View media item 517811wolverine 75, he extends his claws, revealing them to be bone. apparently part of his mutation?
man now that i looked up those pictures on google, i just spend the last half hour on wikipedia clicking x-men related links :smh:
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