The word "Gay"

Originally Posted by iBlink

IluvJordanXI wrote:
i use that word, but I'm not dissing the homosexuals though, if I see a guy wearing a tight jacket with fur around its neck I'm gonna say that look gay or if a dude touch this other guys $%% and they're not playing sports then I'm gonna say that was pretty gay.

Why's being an athlete a valid excuse?

And how does a jacket seem gay? There's no gay department in clothing stores.

And don't go getting butt hurt by me questioning your argument, as the typical Nter would, I'm genuinely curious.

Please tell me you did that intentionally to create some sort of irony, otherwise
at you. And yes, super late pass, I mean it was being used in such a way back when I was in school
I haven't read any of the responses, but when i'm with my people and someone says something like "damn dude, I gotta work tomorrow, how gay"or "dude dont be gay, just come with us to the party", " Dodgers lost right? How Gay"

Essentially it's a synonym for saying "this stinks" , "that sucks" "thats terrible" and so on... was used like this when i was in like 10th grade (like 6 years ago). Some kids got suspended because of the vagueness they thought this word had,kind of in the context you were asking of it.
Originally Posted by iBlink

IluvJordanXI wrote:
i use that word, but I'm not dissing the homosexuals though, if I see a guy wearing a tight jacket with fur around its neck I'm gonna say that look gay or if a dude touch this other guys $%% and they're not playing sports then I'm gonna say that was pretty gay.

Why's being an athlete a valid excuse?

And how does a jacket seem gay? There's no gay department in clothing stores.

And don't go getting butt hurt by me questioning your argument, as the typical Nter would, I'm genuinely curious.
Athletes give each other a pat that symbolizes good job or nice try...I don't understand why would you need to do that to another man unlessyour playing sports.
There are girly jackets, big jackets, small jackets and there are jackets that just look gay, I'm not gonna look up for pics but if you have free time, youcan go look for some.
I'm not totally sure about gay department in stores but I know there are stores for gay people.
hah iBlink is mr. socially concious now

if homosexual people have a problem with how the word gay is used they should ask to be called someting else, the word gay meant happy as you know, they took aword that meant something else so they can switch to another word, they aren't married to it...cause that would be illegal in most states.

plus they brought it on themseves with the gay pride parade. if they werent listening to "its raining men" and wearing colorful feathers nobody wouldbe so concious about it. gays have been stereotyped like everyother group, just like when you say "that hoodie is ghetto" or "that dress isslutty", blacks and sexually promiscous people have just as much right to complain.

and if they don't like that they can stop being gay. I don't care what anyone says its a choice, living things are given the ability to reproduce for areason. and if they are "naturally" attracted to the same sex then they were wired wrong and should ask for a refund.
i wont lie i use the word pretty often but i don't actually view gay people in a negative way, it's just a word i use.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

jokes aside I stand by my comments. and I really have nothing personal against homosexuals, just when they rub it in everyone's face or feelproud that they're gay. I don't throw a straight pride parade (or is that mardi gras?).
Originally Posted by iBlink

It's been twisted into something that expresses distaste. I hear things "Dude that jacket's so gay", and "Dude, you're so gay". Anyone else notice how a word intended to classify homosexuals has turned into sort of a characteristic?

before it was intended to classify homosexuals, it was used to express happiness. Talk about being hypocritical...Gay didn't refer to homosexuals beforethe middle of the 20th century, but homosexuals, a small insignificant subgroup in society) hijacked the word. Now they're complaining about peoplemisusing the very word that they stole
Imo that's quite ironic.
this kind of reminds me that scene in reigh over me when adam sandler called don cheadle a ****** and cheadle was like "don't call me that, you justcan call a person...a ******." and adam sandler simply says "why not? you're not gay, to you that word is just funny, c'mon.".
Well, I havent read this thread.. but from the title alone this is what I have to say.

It's all in the context of the work. You can use whatever word you want but if it is meant as something insulting or offensive then that is what it willbe. Let's use the example of "Kitty".. I could say "Oh, look how cute that kitty is." OR "Oh man.. I kittied all over your momsface last night." you see the difference? All I'm saying is that when I use the term gay, it has nothing to do with homosexual people. The End.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by upt17th

Same thing with "Ghetto"
that is definitely not the same thing.

Living in the ghetto IS a bad thing.
But nah, the word came to be used to describe anything substandard, not up to par, broken, etc. Damn cheerleaders in my school stayed saying it,"Oh my God Becky look at my spoon, it's bent, it's so ghetto."
I hate this word
I hate having to hear this like at least 6 times everyday now. :[
Originally Posted by harlem

i call things gay all the time..dont feel bad about it.. i was told i'm supposed to tho

Yeah I was told the same thing. Its funny though.
I always looked at it as those commercials do. I don't classify something below par as gay. I always classified a dude if he touched my a** gas gay.
I don't even know where that whole thing started. It's kindagay IMO.
infamousod wrote:
hah iBlink is mr. socially concious now

I've been socially conscious dude, all of NT knowsthat. I tackle the issue.

But these guys in here are calling me late as if I've never heard the term being used differently until today. Dudes, I know the topic's been broughtup before, but I just so happened to want to discuss it today. Sheesh, take it easy good sirs.
Originally Posted by infamousod

if homosexual people have a problem with how the word gay is used they should ask to be called someting else, the word gay meant happy as you know, they took a word that meant something else so they can switch to another word, they aren't married to it...cause that would be illegal in most states.

plus they brought it on themseves with the gay pride parade. if they werent listening to "its raining men" and wearing colorful feathers nobody would be so concious about it. gays have been stereotyped like everyother group, just like when you say "that hoodie is ghetto" or "that dress is slutty", blacks and sexually promiscous people have just as much right to complain.
my dude laid it down pretty hard, but i pretty much agree with what he said, especially the part about "ghetto" and "slutty"being used in people's everyday language.
imo, isn't it a little hypocritical that gays parade around and impose their beliefs on people telling society to accept them, when at the very same time,they are fighting for their own right to a lifestyle? if they have the freedom to choose their lifestyle, at the same time, aren't the rest of us aloud tohave the freedom to have our own reserved opinions about gays in society?

and again, this is my opinion, i aint saying that its right how gays are treated in our sociecty, but at the same time i dont go out and impose my beliefs ongays that i come across, so i am just asking that i am treated the same way by gays.
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