Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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I went back to view the PG trade and I didn’t realize the Clippers gave up so much 😭😭😭

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Miami’s 2021 and 2023 first round picks
Pick swaps for 2023 and 2025


Son!!!! Last night SGA dropped a 20/20/10 triple double and Gallo dropped 30 on 12 shots :wow:

This trade might be worse than the Billy King special for KG & Pierce :rofl:
For Kawhi AND PG, because they wouldn't have got Kawhi without making the deal. They win a title and its worth it.
For Kawhi AND PG, because they wouldn't have got Kawhi without making the deal. They win a title and its worth it.

Correct, they don't make the deal and he's load managing with the other LA team. They had to give up everything for PG and OKC knew it.
I went back to view the PG trade and I didn’t realize the Clippers gave up so much 😭😭😭

First round picks in 2022, 2024, 2026 (unprotected)
Miami’s 2021 and 2023 first round picks
Pick swaps for 2023 and 2025


Son!!!! Last night SGA dropped a 20/20/10 triple double and Gallo dropped 30 on 12 shots :wow:

This trade might be worse than the Billy King special for KG & Pierce :rofl:

In all fairness they traded all that for Kawhi Corleone & the coward.

Also in related news anyone know what Linda Rambis is up too these days??
I know why they did it & I acknowledge it would all be worth it for 1 title.

It’s still funny.
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My biggest issue with the clippers is we bring it against contenders and then we have close games/lose against the weak teams. Knicks, Lakers, Memphis etc should not have been close.


Then there's that blowout loss against the Bucks. I'll say it again: The only thing that makes the Clippers special at this point is their 2 wins against the Lakers. That's it.
Clipper drama is fake news. Sounds like a game of telephone created by clutch sports. Whole clippers locker room knows Kawhi is the man and he's not talking about it, he's showing it. Otherworldly confidence when the playoffs come and you're leader is the best basketball player on the planet and he's really from LA too >D

do you get extra points on the scoreboard if your players are from the city they play for?
Clipper drama is fake news. Sounds like a game of telephone created by clutch sports. Whole clippers locker room knows Kawhi is the man and he's not talking about it, he's showing it. Otherworldly confidence when the playoffs come and you're leader is the best basketball player on the planet and he's really from LA too >D

Bruh it came straight from Mondo Harrell's mouth :lol:. Maybe if his trainer said it yall would take it seriously?
For Kawhi AND PG, because they wouldn't have got Kawhi without making the deal. They win a title and its worth it.

Kawhi was on the thunder? Kawhi clearly wanted to go 'home' and play in LA. Yall can use hindsight and look at how everything played out and still think he really wanted to play with LeBron? Doc was laughing about how Kawhi wouldn't even meet with the Lakers on their terms but he came to doc's house and had a slumber party. Clippers got bluffed. They were bidding against themselves and somehow still got bent over a barrell 🛢
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I know why they did it & I acknowledge it would be all worth it for 1 title.

It’s still funny.

SGA is the only part of the deal that really hurts. Gallo is an expiring contract and it wasn’t looking like he’d be retained beyond this season.

The value of future picks, even 1st rounders, is hard to assess. If they end up being out of the lottery, no assurances you get even a rotational player, let alone a star.

Plus, if a team has a good, creative FO, they can get picks back through trades.

We had like no picks when Doc was the GM, then we ended up with a bunch through the Blake and Tobias trades.
I went back to view the PG trade and I didn’t realize the Clippers gave up so much 😭😭😭

First round picks in 2022, 2024, 2026 (unprotected)
Miami’s 2021 and 2023 first round picks
Pick swaps for 2023 and 2025


Son!!!! Last night SGA dropped a 20/20/10 triple double and Gallo dropped 30 on 12 shots :wow:

This trade might be worse than the Billy King special for KG & Pierce :rofl:

All that for playoff p is just not true
Gonna be in NYC for 5 days for work in FEB and the only game during that stretch is Nets/Magic :lol: :smh:
I went back to view the PG trade and I didn’t realize the Clippers gave up so much 😭😭😭

First round picks in 2022, 2024, 2026 (unprotected)
Miami’s 2021 and 2023 first round picks
Pick swaps for 2023 and 2025


Son!!!! Last night SGA dropped a 20/20/10 triple double and Gallo dropped 30 on 12 shots :wow:

This trade might be worse than the Billy King special for KG & Pierce :rofl:
This ***** said Playoff P :rofl:
I went back to view the PG trade and I didn’t realize the Clippers gave up so much 😭😭😭

First round picks in 2022, 2024, 2026 (unprotected)
Miami’s 2021 and 2023 first round picks
Pick swaps for 2023 and 2025


Son!!!! Last night SGA dropped a 20/20/10 triple double and Gallo dropped 30 on 12 shots :wow:

This trade might be worse than the Billy King special for KG & Pierce :rofl:

y’all wanna talk about people switching on Ingram/ day I’m dig up what y’all were saying about SGA/Gallo last year. Now y’all see the light :smh:
Trading SGA Gallo and futures for PG and Kawhi in their primes is something literally every team in the league would do
Not really. With how injury prone he is, some would think about it actually. Keep in mind he only signed for 3 years
All that for playoff p is just not true

Kawhi was pulling up to Doc's front door, having clandestine meetings with PG and telling the Lakers to delay the AD trade but yall really act like he wasn't going to sign with a team that beat the warriors twice regardless 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Clipper drama is fake news. Sounds like a game of telephone created by clutch sports. Whole clippers locker room knows Kawhi is the man and he's not talking about it, he's showing it. Otherworldly confidence when the playoffs come and you're leader is the best basketball player on the planet and he's really from LA too >D

Ehh.. I don't think there's drama, but I wouldn't call it fake news.
Kawhi was on the thunder? Kawhi clearly wanted to go 'home' and play in LA. Yall can use hindsight and look at how everything played out and still think he really wanted to play with LeBron? Doc was laughing about how Kawhi wouldn't even meet with the Lakers on their terms but he came to doc's house and had a slumber party. Clippers got bluffed. They were bidding against themselves and somehow still got bent over a barrell 🛢
What person at the time thought that the Clippers were being bluffed and bidding against themselves? That's the definition of using hindsight. :lol: We had reporters out here saying it was Lakers vs. Raptors. Clippers even said publically afterwards that Kawhi gave them a list of guys who he wanted to play with.
Not really. With how injury prone he is, some would think about it actually. Keep in mind he only signed for 3 years
you really believe there would be teams who wouldn’t trade the farm for PG and Kawhi in their primes?

Kiwi went through like 4 guys before landing on PG though right? He was trying to get KD, Kyrie, Klay and Jimmy to come with to the Clips. Looks like in hindsight he was going regardless.
Kawhi might’ve still signed with the Clippers if they didn’t trade for PG but it’s not realistic to expect the Clippers to be like:

“nah he’s bluffing. He’s gunna sign with us anyway cause there’s no chance he goes to the Lakers. **** his trade requests, we’re keeping SGA”

Then there's that blowout loss against the Bucks. I'll say it again: The only thing that makes the Clippers special at this point is their 2 wins against the Lakers. That's it.

right because they haven’t beaten all of Houston Utah the raptors 2x the Lakers 2x the Celtics. Lol

Speak on it, but not speak on it accurately

PG and Kawhi have played together against Utah 1 time. One of the games they lost to Utah both PG and Kawh didn’t pla

they’ve played against Houston twice in which they split

they played denver once in which they lost without PG

One of the Milwaukee games they didn’t have both Kawhi and PG

you want to call their health into question that’s fine but they haven’t been healthy all season.
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