Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

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Almost every loss follows the same blueprint

Bron comes out super passive
Assist hunting
Jacks up unnecessary 3s
Couple unforced turnovers and missed free throws down the stretch of a close game

Oh well. I'll take 33-8 for the 1st half of the season. Hopefully AD gets back and they refocus away from Staples cause they've been playing with fire for a few games now at home.
Fultz really is everything the Sixers are missing and they gave up on him... YIKES
Only thing better than your squad beating the Lakers is a W AND making bread off it :emoji_moneybag: :pimp: ... Fultz :emoji_hugging:

chris childs needs glasses. had two clean shots to kobes dome and missed completely

if he had actually landed where it counts you could have seen kobe get KO’d

****ing idiots
Brett Brown is idiot
76ers dun goofed.
Brett Brown goofed. All he had to do was put the ball in Fultz hands in the half court but he wanted to make him be JJ
Sixers goofed

nah Brett goofed
his numbers are up across the board. the hell did the sixers do to him to make him play so horribly?

it really is gonna end up being fultz > ball
Forced him to try to be a catch a shoot sniper so Ben could play PG
In before Sixer fans defend they got a protected first rounder (likely will be two second rounders) and extra money to pay Al Horford.
F the picks lol it did open up the cap space to run it back even if Jimmy stayed lol
Fultz really is everything the Sixers are missing and they gave up on him... YIKES
Brett Brown gave up on him. He to worried about his job to work with the younger guys. Not one young guy has developed under him since Embiid/Simmons started playing. But apparently he was the problem since he couldn’t catch and shoot. Mans was what we needed LAST YEAR and I’ve been saying it but *****z thought I was just a stan smh

#F2G :nthat:
Not really. The team doesn’t need anymore slashers. They need shooters
Lmaooooo we have no one who can dribble into their own shot and get to the rim at will. You don’t have to be a shooter to create spacing. Collapsing a D on drives creates spacing
Here are the things with Fultz...

He needed to be in a no-pressure situation without a crazy fanbase that’s watching his every move and on a team that isn’t counting on him to compete for a championship.

He is also shooting 26% from three and is most effective in slashing off pick and rolls. Unless we switch coaches we are not a pick and roll heavy team at all and just slashing to the basket and not being a threat from outside is not what we’re missing. We basically already have that slashing ability in J-Rich but he can actually shoot threes, midrange and does a decent job drawing fouls.
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