Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

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  • Nets

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  • Pacers

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Kenny been tryna dress like a young dude since his divorce
nah b kenny been tryna act young and hip way before that. remember him hyping his all star parties every year like he was the thirsty kid in high school?

hes the black steve buscemi
Ain't trying to hear it. Money was going to be there regardless for my dude, he CHOSE to be with a bum *** organization with terrible leadership.
Straight facts. He was definitely coveted by many teams and gonna get a bag regardless. But chose DC. Save it Bradley
Lonzo just has an attempted pocket pass off a PNR stolen - just like that article that was posted in here recently.
Jim Harden is a real gem. The hours, days and months he spends in the community spending his hard earned dollars at every Houston gentleman's club is amazing. Jim believes in small businesses and investing in his community.
what if he's a liberal?
What would be your move?
I would start there a taker for Hayward? Most likely not. Which makes Smart and Brown the most tradeable assets imo. Since it look like Ainge wants Tatum and Walker to be the featured Big 2.

I'd think the C's would be able to get someone solid for Brown, Smart, maybe Theis, a filler, and a pick.

*Side note: if CLE is dumb enough to trade KLove for Hayward and filler, I'd make the move no question.

A Walker-Tatum-Love trio is more formidable than what they currently have
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