Thee Official LeBron James = Scottie Pippen and Dywane Wade = Michael Jordan for the 2011 Finals

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by bigballa8716

Here's my two cents on this subject....

LeBron no doubt, is one of the most talented players in the league, no question about that.... at all. The problem is the media hyping him up, and expecting him to be this all world type scorer, when thats not really the type of player he is. Sure he CAN be at times, but if you REALLY watch LeBron play, he is usually looking to make the correct "basketball" play rather than look to get his own. IMO he is unfairly criticized for this, due to the fact that the media, and most of his fans, expect him to be "the chosen 1" or this dominant crunch time, clutch scorer, when thats really not his game.

I have a theory on why he is so scrutinized, and yes I do believe that even though I think he is unfairly criticized, he did bring most of this "hatred" upon himself with the decision....

I dunno about other people being that I can only speak for myself, but personally, I never had a problem with LeBron going to Miami, ever... he was a free agent, it was within the league rules. Go for it... However the problem that people have is the WAY that he did it... Holding out on Dan Gilbert forever, saying "ehhhh i dunno what im gonna do". I mean the Cavs fired Mike Brown to make LeBron happy, and because he took forever to "make up his mind" they got nothing in return for him, when they easily could have.

Another issue I have with LeBron fans is this.

Remember when the argument was always "Kobe has 6 rings, hes better" yadda yadda, more times than not, a LeBron stan would bring up the fact that "Kobe had Shaq" and how he never won a finals MVP... Well surprise surprise... if the Heat win (which they will IMO) who thinks LeBron is gonna win finals MVP?? *crickets*... When someone says "Well LeBron needed D Wade to win" a LeBron stan is gonna get mad, after they have been using that lame "Kobe had Shaq & Pau" excuse for years... Quit being hypocrites man, its sad

With that being said any LOGICAL person clearly understands that basketball is a TEAM game, its 5 on 5 for crying out loud... No one could win a championship by themselves...

Everyone holds these players to the "standard" of Jordan, well guess what? No one is going to be Jordan EVER AGAIN... just let it go! Not Kobe, not LeBron, Not Dwayne... NO ONE... just let the players be themselves

Sidenote: This is unrelated but I don't think Carmelo got enough credit for how he handled free agency this year... He played to his fullest ability all season for Denver, and made sure they got quality players for them to build on in return for his talents... just saying

Spoiler [+]
i'm a lakers fan if that matters.... flame on


QFMFT good its level headed seem to be unbias fans here
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

^Dirk flops so much it's not even funny Kobe does it too it's annoying to me.

He never finishes at the rim with a defender there. He couldn't even back down Mike Miller.

He cannot rebound for anything in the world.

Have you ever heard someone say "Dirk just muscled somebody?" it doesn't even sound right. I know that's not his game but it's funny to me.
He's averaging 8+ rebounds per game in the playoffs.  Not exactly Kevin Love #s, but pretty decent if you ask me.  And he's finished well enough to get his team two wins in this series. 

Originally Posted by CAFinest23

^Dirk flops so much it's not even funny Kobe does it too it's annoying to me.

He never finishes at the rim with a defender there. He couldn't even back down Mike Miller.

He cannot rebound for anything in the world.

Have you ever heard someone say "Dirk just muscled somebody?" it doesn't even sound right. I know that's not his game but it's funny to me.
He's averaging 8+ rebounds per game in the playoffs.  Not exactly Kevin Love #s, but pretty decent if you ask me.  And he's finished well enough to get his team two wins in this series. 

The more I watch that gif the more sickened I am. I understand flopping is a widespread part of the game but Wade and Lebron take it to a new level b/c they know they are going to get the calls. Wade just jumping up and flailing his arms and well the lebron gif I mean at least let there be a minimal amount of contact just just a total ghost push
The more I watch that gif the more sickened I am. I understand flopping is a widespread part of the game but Wade and Lebron take it to a new level b/c they know they are going to get the calls. Wade just jumping up and flailing his arms and well the lebron gif I mean at least let there be a minimal amount of contact just just a total ghost push
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by doyung9

I never ever want to hear LeBron James compared to Michael Jordan again unless we're debating who killed the Cavaliers franchise in more devastating fashion.

to even mention lebron near jordans name or even in the same planet as jordan's name...
blasphemy. I understand kobe comparisons because there are a few but even kobe doesn't
deserve a shoutout in the conversation (peep my handle and avy)... jordan is up there with
bird and magic and the dream. lebron?

that flop is so ugly... don't think I've seen kobe do something like that. anyone?
to even mention lebron near jordans name or even in the same planet as jordan's name...
blasphemy. I understand kobe comparisons because there are a few but even kobe doesn't
deserve a shoutout in the conversation (peep my handle and avy)... jordan is up there with
bird and magic and the dream. lebron?

that flop is so ugly... don't think I've seen kobe do something like that. anyone?
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

^Dirk flops so much it's not even funny Kobe does it too it's annoying to me.

He never finishes at the rim with a defender there. He couldn't even back down Mike Miller.
Well he has hit 2 layups in semi traffic for game winners this series. So you can keep your opinions to yourself.

Flopping does equate to softness, if it does, there are many other soft players in the NBA.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

^Dirk flops so much it's not even funny Kobe does it too it's annoying to me.

He never finishes at the rim with a defender there. He couldn't even back down Mike Miller.
Well he has hit 2 layups in semi traffic for game winners this series. So you can keep your opinions to yourself.

Flopping does equate to softness, if it does, there are many other soft players in the NBA.
Originally Posted by kobeoverbron

to even mention lebron near jordans name or even in the same planet as jordan's name...
blasphemy. I understand kobe comparisons because there are a few but even kobe doesn't
deserve a shoutout in the conversation (peep my handle and avy)... jordan is up there with
bird and magic and the dream. lebron?

that flop is so ugly... don't think I've seen kobe do something like that. anyone?

You've never seen Kobe flop? Eh ok.
Originally Posted by kobeoverbron

to even mention lebron near jordans name or even in the same planet as jordan's name...
blasphemy. I understand kobe comparisons because there are a few but even kobe doesn't
deserve a shoutout in the conversation (peep my handle and avy)... jordan is up there with
bird and magic and the dream. lebron?

that flop is so ugly... don't think I've seen kobe do something like that. anyone?

You've never seen Kobe flop? Eh ok.
So at this point, I have asked this before, is it EVER possible for LeBron to be considered Mike's equal. Lettuce say this Heat team wins 7 rings (just an IF) will most view those rings as legit? I think folks will put an * beside those rings since he didn't do it by himself.

Almost like how nobody gives Kobe any credit for those 3 rings he wont with Big Shaq, as if Shaq was out there alone.

And what gets lost in all of this is Wade's legacy. If Wade is there for all of the rings that LeBron wins, why would LeBron's legacy somehow surpass Wades? People don't consider how great of a career Wade has had so far. So why are people so quick to say LeBron > Jordan, when he has someone on his team that can make an even better argument for being compared to Mike. (I don't see the need to compare anyone to him but since people do it I will play the game for the sake of discussion.)
So at this point, I have asked this before, is it EVER possible for LeBron to be considered Mike's equal. Lettuce say this Heat team wins 7 rings (just an IF) will most view those rings as legit? I think folks will put an * beside those rings since he didn't do it by himself.

Almost like how nobody gives Kobe any credit for those 3 rings he wont with Big Shaq, as if Shaq was out there alone.

And what gets lost in all of this is Wade's legacy. If Wade is there for all of the rings that LeBron wins, why would LeBron's legacy somehow surpass Wades? People don't consider how great of a career Wade has had so far. So why are people so quick to say LeBron > Jordan, when he has someone on his team that can make an even better argument for being compared to Mike. (I don't see the need to compare anyone to him but since people do it I will play the game for the sake of discussion.)
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So at this point, I have asked this before, is it EVER possible for LeBron to be considered Mike's equal. Lettuce say this Heat team wins 7 rings (just an IF) will most view those rings as legit? I think folks will put an * beside those rings since he didn't do it by himself.

Almost like how nobody gives Kobe any credit for those 3 rings he wont with Big Shaq, as if Shaq was out there alone.

And what gets lost in all of this is Wade's legacy. If Wade is there for all of the rings that LeBron wins, why would LeBron's legacy somehow surpass Wades? People don't consider how great of a career Wade has had so far. So why are people so quick to say LeBron > Jordan, when he has someone on his team that can make an even better argument for being compared to Mike. (I don't see the need to compare anyone to him but since people do it I will play the game for the sake of discussion.)

he will be in the same realm as barry bonds. lebron cant win for losing. and like ive said before no matter what any player does mj will be seen as goat. Like elvis will be seen as king of rock, pac as the greatest rapper, ruth as the best baseball player, wayne as the best hockey player.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So at this point, I have asked this before, is it EVER possible for LeBron to be considered Mike's equal. Lettuce say this Heat team wins 7 rings (just an IF) will most view those rings as legit? I think folks will put an * beside those rings since he didn't do it by himself.

Almost like how nobody gives Kobe any credit for those 3 rings he wont with Big Shaq, as if Shaq was out there alone.

And what gets lost in all of this is Wade's legacy. If Wade is there for all of the rings that LeBron wins, why would LeBron's legacy somehow surpass Wades? People don't consider how great of a career Wade has had so far. So why are people so quick to say LeBron > Jordan, when he has someone on his team that can make an even better argument for being compared to Mike. (I don't see the need to compare anyone to him but since people do it I will play the game for the sake of discussion.)

he will be in the same realm as barry bonds. lebron cant win for losing. and like ive said before no matter what any player does mj will be seen as goat. Like elvis will be seen as king of rock, pac as the greatest rapper, ruth as the best baseball player, wayne as the best hockey player.
@DCAllAmerican so making two layups is considered tough now? Son fall back. We clearly know that Dirk was not contested or challenged at the rim he blew by Chris Bosh. However, when he is CHALLENGED at the rim he either throws up a soft lay-up, or is bailed out by the refs by acting like he was shot with a sawed off shotgun. Dirk is soft end of discussion.
@DCAllAmerican so making two layups is considered tough now? Son fall back. We clearly know that Dirk was not contested or challenged at the rim he blew by Chris Bosh. However, when he is CHALLENGED at the rim he either throws up a soft lay-up, or is bailed out by the refs by acting like he was shot with a sawed off shotgun. Dirk is soft end of discussion.
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