**THEEE Official Washington ******** Offseason Thread** Throwbacks unveiled pg. 21...DreC. approves

Originally Posted by NikeDealer

Yeah... Ive met them out at Tailgating events.. but some of them go way way far on wanting to be insiders..

This new news is just that... news... but look at it this way.

The Skins get the choice to split the 36 hit between two seasons. They can choose to wait to take most of it next season and work out that problem later IF they dont have that sort of space.

Meaning.. They could keep $47 Million.. use it all.. then renegotiate contracts again next year to get $36 Million under OR lawyer up and fight it because unless it was a RULE put onto paper and not just a suggestion they not frontload.. they Owners cant balk against an Uncapped year they put into effect and the Skins AS ALWAYS.. took advantage of.

The Owners did this knowing they wouldn't use most of their Salary Cap but use that "Uncapped Year" to barely do anything and keep more cash for themselves. Of course the top two Money making Franchises get pinged for using what they have. CASH.
That's all I hear.

Per PFT, owners were warned SIX TIMES that there would be "serious consequences" for teams that didn't abide by rules the owners agreed upon. 
Originally Posted by MaxElite

You have to be +!$*#+* kidding me.....


LOL........and folks wonder why I feel sorry for the newest addition to be, RG3. He's about to be working for a team and organization that has no idea what they are doing, nor do they care to know. The front office is the equivalent of Javale Mcgee. We had to be as prayerful for RG3 as possible.
It will be interesting to see what "rules" were broken here and what "warnings" were ignored. %+*$ is absurd.

I find this quite convenient considering this happened 2 seasons ago and FA literally starts in less than 24 hours.
Q: How did they get caught?

A: The complaints against the Cowboys and the ******** for engaging in perfectly legal behavior that violated no actual rules but only the collusive backroom dictates being issued by the league came not from the league office but from the other 30 teams, who were doing what they were told while the Cowboys and the ******** were not. The other teams demanded action, since they were the good soldiers, and so the league decided it needed to take some.


Cowboys are in much worse shape because of this...it's some BS, but Skins will be fine during FA.  Just gotta get a little more creative with allocating $ and also w. restructuring/cutting players
This is the official statement of ******** general manager Bruce Allen on recent media reports of an adjusted salary cap for the 2012 season:
“The Washington ******** have received no written documentation from the NFL concerning adjustments to the team salary cap in 2012 as reported in various media outlets. Every contract entered into by the club during the applicable periods complied with the 2010 and 2011 collective bargaining agreements and, in fact, were approved by the NFL commissioner’s office. We look forward to free agency, the draft and the coming football season.
I was going to post the same DoubleJ...

Apparently.. Pro Foot ball talk is NOT wrong.. BUT ******** Lawyers are advising them to go through these steps.


This aint over by a long shot. Folks are doing the lawyer up thing... and Danny aint taking this lightly...
Originally Posted by NikeDealer

I was going to post the same DoubleJ...

Apparently.. Pro Foot ball talk is NOT wrong.. BUT ******** Lawyers are advising them to go through these steps.


This aint over by a long shot. Folks are doing the lawyer up thing... and Danny aint taking this lightly...
Like folks were saying...Danny was petty enough to sue the Examiner...do people REALLY think he's gonna let this slide?  Especially if they didn't do anything wrong.  On top of it all, doesn't the NFL have the last say as far as contracts being signed/terminated?? 

Skins gonna be fine.  Takes a lot of balls to penalize the two highest earning franchises in the NFL when it seems like they aren't wrong.  PLEASE let Danny/Jerry go to the next owners meetings and say they're opposed to sharing revenue w. the other 30 teams. 

 This will not end well. I don't understand this though. If it's an uncapped year it's an uncapped year, it's their own fault for not being able to come to an agreement and I don't see how they can tell teams how to spend their money during that year when there is no CBA in place. Furthermore, the Skins didn't load up on high priced free agents and exceed what would have been the cap in a typical year; they were pretty far under it in fact. There was nothing written in any bylaws or agreements that said they couldn't do it.

Collusion....Goodell is trying to play God here. 


another thing...NOTHING is being reported on NFL Network about this.  Nothing. 
Its going to get sooooo tangy.....

Problem is.. The NFL and The NFLPA made a hand shake and a wink deal not consumated via the the CBA... and since the owners locked the players out and KNEW they all agreed to not hit that cap or exceed it... it brings to attention Anti Trust violations of the worst kind.

The NFL can only try to enforce it and hope the Skins dont bite back let alone fight back.

The saga shall continue.... 4pm tomorrow cant come fast enough.
Just speculation,

On ES, folks are saying that they expect the Skins to go about business as usual for Free Agency this year. They'll take the NFL to court with the hopes that they lose...worst case scenario, being on the hook for 36 mil NEXT year.
As someone said on the Skins board..."spend now, fight later." NFL/Goodell doesn't have a leg to stand on since there were MANY teams in violation (not to mention teams that didn't hit the cap floor). I don't see how this is even going to go through. Business as usual for the Skins today and going forward. I'm not worried at all. Only thing that pisses me off is the nature in which Goodell went about trying to rule w. an iron fist. You don't mess w. Jerry or Danny on a business front ESPECIALLY if they are doing things within the rules.
All this talk about us struggling now with this salary cap news.  Rotoworld saying we are out of the Vincent Jackson running now because of this.  This better not hamper us if it stands.  I really hope Snyder fights this tooth and nail.
I honestly loved Laron being a skin....but dude never played.  Now he is on twitter retweeting all this love he is getting.  He really thinks he is an amazing football player.  I don't know if he realizes he never actually plays football.  Enjoy not getting the recommended surgery on your achilles and never being the same player out there again.  
Yeah.. whats crazy is the Cap was originally around 47 Million free.. then down to 40... or less... maybe 38...

Now reports are.. the Skins have to use at least HALF of the 36 against this seasons cap which is BS... as they are still making up rules as they go along.

Media outlets on TV have been fearful of using the word Collusion because they dare not risk their contracts with the league and Goodell controls content in a way.

The bend in the road is.. Skins can continue business as usual.. but the same NFL office that ok'd contracts that are now bad... can deny contracts they try to push through now.

In a few hours we will see what hits the fan.
NFL is mandating the skins use that 18 mil because they know that Danny & Co. will do everything in their power to push things back until the courts (if it goes that far) make a ruling. Goodell doesn't have a leg to stand on and has been proven wrong on this. On top of it all, MULTIPLE teams (not just Skins & Cowboys) moved $ around in that uncapped year. I really hope this does go to court. It's not fair what's going on.
VJax has signed with TB per Yahoo...welp. Early effect of the NFL's screwjob on us. Scheftner says we are close to a deal with Josh Morgan.
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