There should be another music forum aside from the "rap" forum...

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DL2352

Rap definitely only has a major audience in the US and even here it's not even close to other music genres like rock or country. Not even close.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much longevity rap will have. How much longer will an audience buy into the same rehashed subject material strung out over catchy beats? For those who seek creativity and diversity in their music, rap definitely seems to have devolved into something else these past few years. Gone is the art of lyricism in Eminem, Jay-Z, Nas, and etc. Who's going to carry the torch?
No it's not. It's just not popular anymore because the businesses and people who run the radio want something that will make them money a.k.a. something that people can dance too in the club. Radio =/= all the rap/hip hop music being made. People like Soulja Boy, MIMS, Lil Wayne ect. are so popular because they are overplayed on the radio. Ask anyone who really listens to rap, and they can name at least 3 people who talk about REAL LIFE subjects. Even Trillipino can

Rap will be around forever, no one knows what form it will take though.

BTW I love rock, metal, electro, just about everything but radio rap and country, and I've been meaning to make a thread in the music forum to recommend me some metal, BUT since there aint enough heads in there to keep the thread alive, I just said $*%$ it.
But what I'm saying though is that the rappers whom you say have subject material about real life subjects or actual lyricism are never goingto be popular like that again on a national scale. Let's not even talk about internationally. I'm well aware that there are rappers out there with theability and creativity to create some real gems but them gaining real popularity is but a pipe dream. If you're saying that rap will exist as a sub-cultureenjoyed by a few, then yeah, I agree. Will we see the huge popularity of artists like Eminem, Jay-Z, and Nas, for example, again? I honestly doubt that. Realartistic, lyrical rap has died as far as popular music is concerned. The product you have out now I don't even know what to call. I think we're on thesame page when I say that what they try to pass off as rap nowadays is utter garbage. That's what I meant when I doubted the longevity of rap.
I would agree with the first part of your post, except that I think one day theres gonna be someone who comes back up in terms of popularity a la Jay orEminem. It wont be within the next year or two or three, because people (music execs and businessmen running the radio) will still see rap as a fad, a clubmusic thing thats created to make people dance and make them money. Once, if, people start paying attention, people with talent will be relevant again. Rightnow the only BIG rappers with a reason, like the ones that can pull an international crowd, are the ones you listed, Wu Tang (as a group, cant be solo), andmaybe Kanye (maybe, because he's been acting like a prima donna #!!#% and been losing touch). I might be missing one or two, but its late.

But until rappers with a reason are relevant, people who like to listen to emotionally charged rap just need to keep supporting it. I've seen my favoriterapper start getting more and more exposure, so that gives me a little bit of hope.

BTW, put me on some electro that isnt Tiesto or Bennassi or any big names like that. I've been needing to expand my iTunes library.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Heavy Metal has more followers than rap?
You do realize that there is a world outside the one you live in, right?
not only are there more metal fans worldwide, i imagine its not even close.

more then rap? nahh......
worldwide, not just the US. hip hop is about as popular as american football is to the rest of the world.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

I've been on three continents outside of North America, and I've never found a shortage of hip hop fans.

As a matter of fact, the only arena/crowd I've been in that was bigger than the "Jay-Z and Friends" tour here at home was a Kanye concert in Tokyo.

If you don't like the genre - fine, it's a free country - but saying hip hop has little to no appeal worldwide is a lie. Jay headlined Glastonbury did he not?
so your point is? Kanye had a concert in Tokyo so hip-hop is ultimately number 1 all over the world?
edit: The beatles and Elvis both have sold over 1 billion records which is the highest in the world
and besides Rock has so many sub-genres like Metal that also has sub-genres.
sorry one more edit: Rock is still in first place
Just make a post in the music forum if people like it they will post if not keep it moving. A lot of rock and country nters came out of the woodworks where arethey when you make your posts?
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

I've been on three continents outside of North America, and I've never found a shortage of hip hop fans.

As a matter of fact, the only arena/crowd I've been in that was bigger than the "Jay-Z and Friends" tour here at home was a Kanye concert in Tokyo.

If you don't like the genre - fine, it's a free country - but saying hip hop has little to no appeal worldwide is a lie. Jay headlined Glastonbury did he not?
so your point is? Kanye had a concert in Tokyo so hip-hop is ultimately number 1 all over the world?
edit: The beatles and Elvis both have sold over 1 billion records which is the highest in the world
and besides Rock has so many sub-genres like Metal that also has sub-genres.
sorry one more edit: Rock is still in first place

My point is that anyone who said hip hop has no international appeal is dead wrong.

If you agree that hip hop has no international appeal, you are dead wrong as well.

Where and when did I say that hip hop was the "number 1 international genre?"

I didn't.
My point is that anyone who said hip hop has no international appeal is dead wrong.

If you agree that hip hop has no international appeal, you are dead wrong as well.

Where and when did I say that hip hop was the "number 1 international genre?"

I didn't.
While it does have some international appeal, its limited to a select few artists from the genre, and even those artists like Jay-Z are not 100%well received when headlining an event such as Glastonbury.

Trolling is prohibited here, correct? So if people do troll in threads that we were to make, then they should be punished in some way.
the title of your thread made me laugh and agree. and I even like rap/hiphop. but yea, NT is not the best place for diversity of opinions
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

My point is that anyone who said hip hop has no international appeal is dead wrong.

If you agree that hip hop has no international appeal, you are dead wrong as well.

Where and when did I say that hip hop was the "number 1 international genre?"

I didn't.
While it does have some international appeal, its limited to a select few artists from the genre, and even those artists like Jay-Z are not 100% well received when headlining an event such as Glastonbury.

Trolling is prohibited here, correct? So if people do troll in threads that we were to make, then they should be punished in some way.

1) Jay wasn't well received by everyone, but you all are making it seem like there were thousands of people outside protesting his appearance - therewasn't. Of couse he was going to catch flack for headlining because he was the first hip hop act to do so - he broke tradition and that never comes easy tosome. And before it's all said and done, he won't be the last hip hop act to headline there either - the door has been opened.

2) Trolls aren't as big of a problem as you think in the music forum. Besides, it's nothin' new - either ignore 'em, or flame 'em up. Bewarned though, 90% of that forum (myself included) consists of ruthless smart %#* es...
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

My point is that anyone who said hip hop has no international appeal is dead wrong.

If you agree that hip hop has no international appeal, you are dead wrong as well.

Where and when did I say that hip hop was the "number 1 international genre?"

I didn't.
While it does have some international appeal, its limited to a select few artists from the genre, and even those artists like Jay-Z are not 100% well received when headlining an event such as Glastonbury.

Trolling is prohibited here, correct? So if people do troll in threads that we were to make, then they should be punished in some way.

1) Jay wasn't well received by everyone, but you all are making it seem like there were thousands of people outside protesting his appearance - there wasn't. Of couse he was going to catch flack for headlining because he was the first hip hop act to do so - he broke tradition and that never comes easy to some. And before it's all said and done, he won't be the last hip hop act to headline there either - the door has been opened.

2) Trolls aren't as big of a problem as you think in the music forum. Besides, it's nothin' new - either ignore 'em, or flame 'em up. Be warned though, 90% of that forum (myself included) consists of ruthless smart %#* es...

2) You guys really have to ask why we don't post there when this is the response? We don't want to deal with that. Plain and simple. Wewant to discuss our music on a forum that we enjoy coming to without having to hear slick comments from a person who knows nothing about the topic we arespeaking of. When people are posting "No one cares" in a memorial thread, that is trolling, and something should be done.

Maybe there should be more Mods in the music forum? Ant does a fantastic job, but he's pretty much the only one I see in there most of the time.

1) Very good point. You also have to realize though, that not many current hip hop acts have a shelf life like Jay-Z, Nas and other legends do. We'll justhave to wait and see.
The Music forum is basically a "rap" forum, but you are still free to post whatever you like in there.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

My point is that anyone who said hip hop has no international appeal is dead wrong.

If you agree that hip hop has no international appeal, you are dead wrong as well.

Where and when did I say that hip hop was the "number 1 international genre?"

I didn't.
While it does have some international appeal, its limited to a select few artists from the genre, and even those artists like Jay-Z are not 100% well received when headlining an event such as Glastonbury.

Trolling is prohibited here, correct? So if people do troll in threads that we were to make, then they should be punished in some way.

1) Jay wasn't well received by everyone, but you all are making it seem like there were thousands of people outside protesting his appearance - there wasn't. Of couse he was going to catch flack for headlining because he was the first hip hop act to do so - he broke tradition and that never comes easy to some. And before it's all said and done, he won't be the last hip hop act to headline there either - the door has been opened.

2) Trolls aren't as big of a problem as you think in the music forum. Besides, it's nothin' new - either ignore 'em, or flame 'em up. Be warned though, 90% of that forum (myself included) consists of ruthless smart %#* es...

Thanks for the heads up.

E-Thugs immature people like yourself is what is wrong this this message board. You would be the guy toreply to every thread, no matter who the artist is, just to say some lame comment and then probably laugh about it for hours. Nice Life.
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Rashawn Ross is a great player, but I dont think he'll stick around for too long... I honestly dont get into Dave Mathews all that much, but he lives really close to where my mom used to live...
He is touring with them again this summer. This will be his fourth full tour to go along with select 2005 shows. I think he will stick around; theguys love him and Dave praises his contributions often. Also, they have said previously that he is now an official permanent guest. In addition, Jeff Coffin isofficially a permanent guest with the band due to the untimely death of LeRoi. Tim Reynolds has also rejoined as a permanent guest. This summer should be agreat tour. Tim is talking about bringing TR3 along to open some shows.

I would still like any info you have on your dad's strat and gear. Thanks!
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate
I respect your opinion but...

The moment you decided to change your tone to abusive, I completely lost all respect for that very opinion.

As far as I'm concerened its


Thank you, better luck next time expressing your opinion.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Co-sign[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Now for the lulz:[/color]
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by tmukg21

If you make a post about, say, some acclaimed indie rock album, you might get 5 or 6 responses.

If you make a post about "track 12" from a Gucci Mane CD, you'll get 3 pages of responses with "
" and people posting their favorite lines.
Originally Posted by DRjordanlover45

KanyeWestJayZ4life wrote:
I agree with OP.
anyone else catch this

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

THREAD STARTER is furious nobody gives a damn what kind of music he likes.

Originally Posted by eight2one

its not like your not allowed to post about other types of music.
While that may be true, you have to realize that 95% of the time, the thread will get pushed all the way to page 5 and beyond within the hour dueto the overwhelming amount of hiphop/RnB related threads. I'm not saying it's the fault of anyone that this happens but if there were subforums forother music other than hiphop/RnB, maybe we'd actually be able to get a discussion going. Most people came to Niketalk because of the sneaker culture whichis closely tied to hip hop. The thing is, Niketalk has evolved into much more than just a sneakerboard. Many members here, including myself, don't evencheck up on sneakers anymore. I'm willing to bet that many people have also developed new tastes in other types of music so I don't think it's tooridiculous to want a separate forum where we could talk about that stuff, as opposed to watching our non-hiphop threads fade into oblivion in the current musicforum.
I completely agree with the threadstarter..

We should have Music and then Sub-Forums (Rap, Rock, Country, etc..) kind of like we do with regions
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