These dudes south of the border DONT play...article..

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by JPioneer


This. Drop a couple of these and we won't have any problems. Same for the Middle East.
You're an idiot.
I've told this story here before.

One more time.

When my pops was a little kid in Mexico. (Back in the 60's)

They used to catch and beat and most of the time kill thieves and rapists and leave them on the only road into town next to a sign that said "This is whathappens to criminals here"

My pops also can't remember how many people he saw shot in broad daylight like it was nothing. On some Wild West @#$%.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I've told this story here before.

One more time.

When my pops was a little kid in Mexico. (Back in the 60's)

They used to catch and beat and most of the time kill thieves and rapists and leave them on the only road into town next to a sign that said "This is what happens to criminals here"

My pops also can't remember how many people he saw shot in broad daylight like it was nothing. On some Wild West @#$%.

it's outlandish in these poorer countries
makes the ghetto in the US seem like sesame street.
a soccer ball tho? thats outrageous.
Juarez is the truth. US has some shady areas, but they don't have anything on the amigos down here...can't even party for cheap anymore. smh
For every sentence I read In that article my face was like

and what good would Nuking Mexico do? they don't directly bother people outside their states so leave them alone.
My uncle was walking home and stopped to smoke a cigarette next to a bicycle rack and the guys that had bicycles on that rack came out of a bar next door and Iguess they thought he was trying to steal one.

So they gouged out one of his eyes with a broken beer bottle and left him for dead.

He had to walk himself like 3 blocks to his house.

He barely made it there alive.


My uncles found 2 of the 3 guys on the street that did it and had them shot in the head.

The police found the 3rd guy and put him in jail.

My pops was gonna pay a crooked cop off to kill him but my uncle said "Let him stay in jail, we'll take care of him when he gets out".

He's been in jail for about 10 years now. I have no idea when he gets out...
If they just legalized weed, none of this stuff would be happening.
Weed is the most demanded drug, and once it gets taken off the black market it will help stop all the gang violence.
Legalizing weed would actually save lives and cause more peace.

But this is all just my opinion hahah
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

For every sentence I read In that article my face was like

and what good would Nuking Mexico do? they don't directly bother people outside their states so leave them alone.
That's not really true. All of these Cartels exist and survive from drug profits made in the US.
Same ^&%$ like this happened to one of my uncles.

Kidnapped him, tortured him, chopped him up and killed him.

With only 2 pages, we already have so much ignorance and stupidity in this thread. Let's see what happens with pages 3 and 4.
It is crazy i was hearing the news last night, it's barely 8 days into the year and there's at least 61 murders.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

my part of town
I hate it here
you live near the border hwy?

i lived in el paso for 3 years, i have family on the other side. the stories my uncle would tell me were just straight up crazy right out of a movie. el pasoand juarez are like day and night. it is pretty safe in ep.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Legalize it.

Originally Posted by heavenlee777

If they just legalized weed, none of this stuff would be happening.
Weed is the most demanded drug, and once it gets taken off the black market it will help stop all the gang violence.
Legalizing weed would actually save lives and cause more peace.

But this is all just my opinion hahah

legalize it and do what?

you guys are making it sound like these cartels would just stop killing each other automatically, forget about any kind of legitimate marijuana growers inmexico cause they would be the first to go at the behest of these cartels

legal or not, these cartels got the marijuana market locked and theyre not about to play by any kind of rules
i seen those those citys at night and let me tell you unless your known in the area just stay at home. TJ is ok tho if you stay were the lights are on.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by JPioneer


This. Drop a couple of these and we won't have any problems. Same for the Middle East.

we wont have any problems? ..the whole damn world would be coming for us.
we have major allies everywhere, the only place that hates us is the Middle East, well add NKorea too.
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