these korean plastic surgeons really are something

Like Gattaca

or Charles Linbergh.

Just watched his Dark Matter episode last night. Had no idea dude wanted to engineer master humans before the Nazis. Totally changed his views on the subject though once he realized what the Nazi's intentions were.
But whats the prize? Im not saying this applies to all asians but i definitely dont want a girl who is obsessed with white culture. Dont want to have a kid who hates his/her beautiful dark skin.

If an asian started hitting on me she could get it. Dont mind starting something long term with one who comes on to me (never happens). That woud be some proof you aint bout all this superficial ****. But i wont chase one.
Well my comment was for trying to smash.
but all jokes aside and all hate aside.
If you get a good asian chick that has the family morals, that most Asian families practice. Then you will have a great girl on your hands.

Don't get me wrong most Asian chicks are concerned about their looks, but they're also somewhat subordinate to their man and are good dating material.
the next step is going to be genetic engineering. where scientists will be able to genetically alter your dna before you are even born to make you look a certain way. is that any different than plastic surgery?
In terms of physical alteration, it's taking it a step further. It's somewhat related to the reason why stem cell research was such a hot topic, because it was the introduction of science playing a more active role pre-determining your genome (a "God Complex" if you will).
no, on so many levels.

"stem cell research" involves exploring the regenerative capacities of stem cells to treat disease (through regeneration or repair)

the "controversy" is killing off embryos to study embryonic stem cells. 

this has nothing to do with "pre-determining your genome".

a "God Complex" describes someone who thinks/feels they can do no wrong or commit any errors.
Well my comment was for trying to smash.
but all jokes aside and all hate aside.
If you get a good asian chick that has the family morals, that most Asian families practice. Then you will have a great girl on your hands.

Don't get me wrong most Asian chicks are concerned about their looks, but they're also somewhat subordinate to their man and are good dating material.
Ohh yah I would love to smash an asian chick. But like I said not worth the pursuit. Being black my time is best used elsewhere.
Though it is widely done here...Korean people still don't think it is a 'good thing' to do. I live over here in S.Korea (my 3rd year here) and there was quite a bit of uproar about Miss Korea 2012 and her pre-knife high school pictures showing up. Funny thing is she openly said she wasn't born beautiful and chose to have surgery to get that way.

High school (i guess?)

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and now....

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Though it is widely done here...Korean people still don't think it is a 'good thing' to do. I live over here in S.Korea (my 3rd year here) and there was quite a bit of uproar about Miss Korea 2012 and her pre-knife high school pictures showing up. Funny thing is she openly said she wasn't born beautiful and chose to have surgery to get that way.
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I actually remember this, I was there also when it happened. and though, they don't think its good. it's still accepted. No one is going to say anything about you if you get it. Same reason why they offer foreigners the discounts on it (to advertise) and ofcourse you've heard of Gangnam nose .

everytime i went to Gangnam terminal I would spot minmium 10 chicks in my 15 mins there with bandages and faces covered up because of post surgery
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Real talk, these are some good *** surgeons. If I ever end up in a car crash or some ****, I want them doing the reconstruction.
im black also and i dated one for over a year and had 2 others after her
Damn. I stand corrected. But I have had nothing but bad experiences with asians. But then again it is prolly just me. I have had nothing but bad experiences with everyone except latinas and one white girl.

Real talk, these are some good *** surgeons. If I ever end up in a car crash or some ****, I want them doing the reconstruction.
But that is a very good reason to get surgery tho.
i don't see how anyone is to judge whether it's good or not. if a person wants surgery to feel better about themselves let them live.
But whats the prize? Im not saying this applies to all asians but i definitely dont want a girl who is obsessed with white culture. Dont want to have a kid who hates his/her beautiful dark skin.

If an asian started hitting on me she could get it. Dont mind starting something long term with one who comes on to me (never happens). That woud be some proof you aint bout all this superficial ****. But i wont chase one.

Some dudes (a lot) take the pursuit to the extreme. I know a dude that met a foreign exchange Korean student. She went back and now he wants to go to Korea and be an English teacher over there. This thread makes me wonder if the girl had some work done since she looked kinda average. It also makes me wonder if those teachers actually like to teach or just go for the culture (vagina) over there.
Some dudes (a lot) take the pursuit to the extreme. I know a dude that met a foreign exchange Korean student. She went back and now he wants to go to Korea and be an English teacher over there. This thread makes me wonder if the girl had some work done since she looked kinda average. It also makes me wonder if those teachers actually like to teach or just go for the culture (vagina) over there.
Lol I personally like to teach, that's what my profession in the states is as well.
It's a ton of people over there that are in it for the cultural experience.

For the guys it's a tad easier to grab a korean g/f because the girls over there are ready for something new, or once again social status. It's not what most people say, (and what my parents said when I went) that all they want to do is get married and come to America. Do they want to come over here...sure. But to live the rest of their lives, no. That goes for all Asian cultures (except maybe Thailand and Philippines ) Korea is a good place though. There are a bunch of cool chicks over there though. not just the lipstick, caked up in make up chicks. It's a fun culture, still some stuff I personally didn't like, but a great experience.

And looking at the women was a plus, surgery or make up who cared, you will turn your head every minute walking on the street day or night.

One thing I loved about the women there, unless they were under 15, they would be Dressed to impress
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