They are making TITANIC 2 --not a movie--but an actual SHIP

Jul 1, 2005

View media item 289504

NEW YORK — Australian billionaire Clive Palmer unveiled plans Tuesday for construction of Titanic II, a cruise ship designed as a "full-scale re-creation" of the Titanic, which sank in the Atlantic Ocean in April 1912.

Displaying a blueprint for the Titanic II at a press conference aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, Palmer announced that the ship will be built in China and begin carrying passengers in the third quarter of 2016.

Palmer, who refused to divulge the cost of building the ship, said "the Titanic was a ship of dreams," and "the Titanic II will be the ship where dreams come true."

The Australian businessman, who owns an Australian mining company and other businesses, said he has received an overwhelming response from prospective passengers who want to travel on Titanic II. He predicted that it "will be a real financial bonanza" so successful that he will "have to build Titanic III."

Some Titanic and cruise-ship experts doubt the Titanic II, which Palmer says will regularly sail across the North Atlantic, will be able to attract enough passengers after its maiden voyage. Some also question whether the new cruise ship desecrates the memory of those who died on the Titanic.

The Titanic II will be built 883 feet long – 3 inches longer than the original Titanic– and weigh 55,800 gross tons, according to Palmer. It will carry a maximum of 2,435 passengers and 900 crew members, and include a gymnasium, Turkish baths, a squash court, a swimming pool, a theater and a casino.

Its first voyage is scheduled to be from Shanghai to Southampton, England, and then on to New York.

The Titanic — the largest and most luxurious cruise ship of its time — departed from Southampton on its maiden voyage to New York in 1912 and made two stops in Europe before striking an iceberg several hundred miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. More than 1,500 people aboard died after the collision.

The Titanic II, which will be built by a state-owned Chinese company, CSC Jinling Shipyard, will honor the memories of those who died and survived on the Titanic, Palmer said. The Titanic was operated by the White Star Line, and Palmer's cruise company is called Blue Star Line.

Like the original ship, there will no TVs aboard and probably no Internet service, he says.

.....Easy pass for me even if they gave me free tickets :lol:
All aboard? 
I was gonna say why not, as long as they give me some scuba gear. But no internet or TV is a no-go. :smh:
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