They at me like I'm a Menace to Society, I ain't hurt nobody! I need LAW heads advice

Apr 7, 2008
I'm gonna just sum up what happened..

I left to pick some friends up from another guys house (met him before, but don't know him) because we were hittin up a club as routine.I'm the house 20 seconds and DEA busts in. They search me and find a blunt in my pocket (
@ me) and take me to jail for it (
@ them). Simple posession, misdemeanor, my first time gettincaught up with the law for ANYTHING.

The guy that owned the house gets banged for like 60 lbs, weapons, and $100,000. His brother also goes down and the wife. Same charges..

All of this happened last week. My barber calls me a few hours ago saying they showing my picture on the news when they were talking about thecase.

I get on the news for possesion of a blunt!?

What I'm gettin at is.. is there some type of legal action I can take because I really don't appreciate these people slandering my name and showing myface like that when I had nothing to do with that **** and was really just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I would really appreciate if anyone has anyknowledge on the matter..
NO cuz my friend was in the back seat of a car that ended up in a high speed chase once. Same thing sorta happened The newspaper got all the names mixed up andblamed my friend for everything when he didnt even know dude. they just went to the Liq store together. He works for a Internet telemarketing company and whenyou Google his name the story comes up. Hes had to expalin it a million times and has been trying to get it taken away. My other friend who is a lwyer has beentrying to help him out. No luck yet
Nah son. They have the right..

I remember back in the day when people in my H.S. got in trouble for Breaking & Entering, they put their home addresses in the paper...

I don't think you can do anything about it.
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Hope that isn't your address in your s/n

nah man i'm not as dumb as that story may imply

Are ya'll serious tho? I can't do jack-? They got me looking like..

1. A Kingpin

2. Why this negro go down for only a blunt..

3. How i'm sposed to get a job?

Menace To Society just came on BET.
Actually there's no law saying they HAVE to put your names OR address in the newpaper, in RI I know at least and most if not all other states. That whole"blotter" section would do just as well without names. I know people who have had their names in the paper, females, and addresses and startedgetting mail and crap. Hope you can get something done, but the people who've seen it, won't care. And any retraction/fix up they do is gonna be in 2ptfont under the local pest control ads..
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Guilty by association. Sorry. Choose better friends next time.

plus your telling ducktales about you not knowing the guy that lives there TAKE THE L
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Hope that isn't your address in your s/n

nah man i'm not as dumb as that story may imply

Are ya'll serious tho? I can't do jack-? They got me looking like..

1. A Kingpin

2. Why this negro go down for only a blunt..

3. How i'm sposed to get a job?

Curtis huh?
im no lawyer but my guess is that ever since the war on drugs started getting tougher, law enforcement can just say that you got the drugs from the house (oneof those do the math type things) and maybe hit u with some "intent to distribute" nonsense , that is unless u start to talking about where u reallygot that bud from
Originally Posted by DaGreatJ

Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Guilty by association. Sorry. Choose better friends next time.

plus your telling ducktales about you not knowing the guy that lives there TAKE THE L
I don't know that fool, he even let the cops know that Iwas caught up on some humbug **** and why I was there.. my homie used to live in the same hood as him that's how they met and I was scoopin him and acouple others up on the way to the club.


I got a misdemeanor, what i'mma tell?.., the teacher you cant read
You are most likely will serve 50 to life minimum for a blunt without the possibility of parole - Maximum will be death sentence.

Hope you lead a good life thus far man - Enjoy your numbered days.
.. I've already been fined guy, I just wanted to know if there was anyway I could keep these people from slandering my name like I'm George Jung. A fewhave already said it would be a lost cause at this point so I appreciate the insightful replies.

NT gotta make everything a joke, but I guess that just comes with the territory now
gettin a job isnt that hard it not like your a convicted felon. try gettin a job then, its not that easy i know. Once your charged with somthin its publicrecord. even if its not in the paper or news whatever anyone who is interested can go to the court house and ask for the info and they give it to em for adollar or somthin. Your just out of luck on this one... They got a law pending on our books where anyone convicted of a drug crime will have to register like asex offender so the whole city knows who got caught with dope.. just be glad your not in that situation.
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