They at me like I'm a Menace to Society, I ain't hurt nobody! I need LAW heads advice

lmao @ everybody judging people that they dont know.

what was it 60 pounds of if you dont mind me asking. and u got an article or something?
Uh, just so I'm clear is the newspaper actually saying something false and defamatory about you? Sounds like you were at the house when you got busted,and you got busted with (admittedly little) drugs on you. If they report it as such, you're pretty much sunk. Like people said: pick better friends.

Now, if they're reporting you like you're the head of the drug ring or whatever . . . well, there still probably isn't anything you can do. Newspapers in the US pretty much have free reign to print whatever the want about anyone, provided it's . . . you know, IMPORTANT to the public. Isknowing about some "drug dealers" in your neighborhood important to the public? Debatable I guess, but I'd probably want to know if my neighbor was doing some stuff that would have the DEA busting in Minority Report style.

Don't like it, move to England.
Originally Posted by devilmonx

Uh, just so I'm clear is the newspaper actually saying something false and defamatory about you? Sounds like you were at the house when you got busted, and you got busted with (admittedly little) drugs on you. If they report it as such, you're pretty much sunk. Like people said: pick better friends.

Now, if they're reporting you like you're the head of the drug ring or whatever . . . well, there still probably isn't anything you can do. Newspapers in the US pretty much have free reign to print whatever the want about anyone, provided it's . . . you know, IMPORTANT to the public. Is knowing about some "drug dealers" in your neighborhood important to the public? Debatable I guess, but I'd probably want to know if my neighbor was doing some stuff that would have the DEA busting in Minority Report style.

Don't like it, move to England.
Yea, on the news they were talking as if I was some type of drug dealer. I've never sold drugs, I just smoke weed. I don'teven smoke cigs, rarely drink, etc.. (I know, my problem there)

On the news they never stated why I was arrested or the fact that I'm out on PR bond. They just said that "these drug dealers are still beingheld"
I just posted an article last week of somehting similar that happened to one of my guys.

Him and his roomate got 39 pounds delivered via FedEx, and the cops busted the door down once he signed for the package. All over the news they showed the nameand address of a girl that was staying with them while she was visiting from Cali. She didnt know what was going on, and they had her mugshot AND Cali addresson the news....SMH
why dont you call the NEWSPAPER or whoever got yo umixed up and tell them the real scoop and see if they make a retraction/correction
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