They got El Chapo

I remember hearing about him going to a restuarant, asking for everyones cell phone, and at the end of his meal, gave them their cells back and picked up the tab :lol: :pimp:
How does this impact my trip to Cancun this summer?

pls respond.
How does this impact my trip to Cancun this summer?

pls respond.
it wont.

cancun is on the opposite side of the country. 

chapo was captured in Mazatlan, on the Pacific Ocean side of Mexico, youll be on the gulf of Mexico side. 

for a long time travel into mexico was considered dangerous, oddly enough resort areas were found to be some of the safest areas. 
Cancun is basically an American suburb in terms of population and safety (at least if you stay in the tourist side of town). That makes it boring to visit yet safe
How does this impact my trip to Cancun this summer?

pls respond.
it wont.
cancun is on the opposite side of the country. 
chapo was captured in Mazatlan, on the Pacific Ocean side of Mexico, youll be on the gulf of Mexico side. 
for a long time travel into mexico was considered dangerous, oddly enough resort areas were found to be some of the safest areas. 

Gracias señor.
I'm saying man. The government are SURE that they got the right guy based on a couple photos they THINK are him. I also find it strange that not a single shot was fired to capture him. A man of his status runs deeper than Escobar did and you want to tell me he didn't have anybody with him? Hmmm.

Not sure if your serious? Did you see the MULTIPLE pictures? There's no denying it's him. Stop with this nonsense
damn. i was hoping for a full out war like Pablo Escobar...

i wonder when we are going to see rappers use the name el chapo
I have family in Durango. My uncle was killed a few years ago because of this crap. Good riddance I hope.
A lot of ya'll are kidding around and are tongue in cheek with your statements, I'm being dead *** man.

It's these God damn police unions, big pharma, and the feds who have the most blood on their hands.

It's they who decided to keep this war on drugs waging. It's them who make drugs so profitable. It's them who NEED these drugs to be illegal so they can continue getting their money.

Biggest reason I don't respect the police, they themselves lobby for unjust laws to stay in place. They want to continue to arrest non-violent offenders. Are there violent drug dealers? Yes, but that violent element is brought on be the illegal nature of the business they're in.

Legalize it ALL, treat addicts, and stop making drug culture a multi-billion dollar business. That'll eliminate overcrowding in prisons, eliminate the need for a police state, and it'll bring on true rehabilitation instead of the pigeonholing of drug-users as "criminals".

All our system is right now is a ******* pyramid scheme that benefits judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, cops, correctional officers, "counselors", big pharma and the fed gov. Our nation's streets aren't ANY safer, nor are those with substance abuse issues getting any true rehabilitation.

The arrest of "el chapo" is just a ******** PR move to make sheep think the war on drugs is working. Dude is a businessman in a bloody business, but he isn't even the one with the most blood on his hands.

Did prohibition teach us nothing?

If anything this dude let himself be captured.
he will get away so that Mexico can get billions of our tax dollars of funding for something to prevent this from happening but in the end it's just gonna be used for Chapo cartel to get rid of the competition.

We have tons of snitches on the payroll who are still out there chopping heads and who knows what.its also dumb to think that this hasn't spilled over to our side, almost every major city has some cartel presence, but they are advised to only be about the money.they have pushed Colombia out for coke and now you are seeing black tar heroin along with meth on the east coast.
This cat ain't el chapo. He was said o have atleast 150-200 armed fools protecting him. And not one shot was fired. Strange that the marina mexicana rolled up like nothig and catch his ***. It's just a smoke screen to make the sorry *** Mexican presidente look good, cause his numbers are in the ****ter.

And as for the cell phones in the restaurant that is true, have family that saw him eat and bounce with no worry in the world
idk man escobar went out with just 1 guy with him.  plus he was going crazy and moving around, sleeping in taxis and etc. by himself a couple days before they got him. 

free el chapo shirts = profit??
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I wonder if there's a cartel presence on nt, we have people from all walks of life on here so that be something else
I don't believe in prohibiting drugs. That's the problem. Not the cartels. They are killing because the market our government created along with most other countries. Oh well. They are slowly learning.
next man up....
imagine a multi-billion company losing a CEO or CFO...nothing is gonna change man.
think Apple, jobs passes the company is still a giant. 

Cartels could either calm down for period until they figure out who will head up the Sinaloa cartel or Cartels will move on each other for the territory
Its been said this man and his cartel actually have helped certain areas and people in Mexico. 
paving new roads, and providing jobs on farms for local towns people.
this is all in return for silence, but they man allows men to feed their families. a little help goes a long way, especially for those who are unfortunate. 

no one gets that high without getting their hands dirty ( unless theyre born into it) . 

Happy atleast 1 person knows the truth.
People being addicted to drugs is the problem. The should put more money into rehabilitation programs along with combating drug trades.
Sarcasm went over your head bruh.
 @ you thinking DipsetGeneral was being sarcastic
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