They tryna stagnate the WAVE..... UPDATED

75 years for coming up with a plan is extreme. I don't care what anyone says. True, a man died, but for Max to not have pulled a trigger and got that kind of sentence is crazy. Makes me mad thinking about all the beats that could've been touched had Max not be locked up right now.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by debs 168

everyone should have known it was false anyway...we weren't supposed to hear anything until april according to the last news that came out awhile back.

also, he got more years than the ppl that killed the dude because he supposedly masterminded the thing. masterminds almost always get more years than the actual killer(s).
[jada] a !@$++! only fear gettin' charged with conspiracy [jada]

I said this in the original thread... Its So True.
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[h1]Max B Prison Sentence Upheld; Parole Set for 2042[/h1]
by  Jake Crates  [color= rgb(68, 68, 68)]August 30th, 2012 @ 9:00pm[/color]


(AllHipHop News)  A New Jersey court has upheld the conviction of Harlem rapper Max B.

The state appeals hearing upheld the conviction stemming from Max B’s role in a Fort Lee hotel murder.

According to court documents Max B won’t be eligible for parole for another 30 years, for his part in masterminding a robbery at the Fort Lee Holiday Inn on Route 4, that left a man shot dead.

If the conviction is upheld, Max B won’t leave Trenton State Penitentiary until 2042.

In 2009 Max B, born Charly Wingate, 34, was sentenced to 75 years in 2009 after being convicted of numerous charges, including murder, kidnapping and armed robbery.

Despite the fact that he wasn’t at the hotel, prosecutors said Max B set up the robbery and murder, by getting his step brother and girlfriend to commit the crime.

Max B had already served 8 years in prison when he was released in 2005.
WELP thats the end of that. Sad though, seriously. I still remember reading that article a few of months ago. Still dont know what to think to be honest but nowadays I'm way more open to the idea that he should be free as a result of reading that article a couple of times along with some other ones
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Did anyone really think buddy had a chance though?  I know I didn't.  

The sentence was excessive, IMO.  But dude seemed to be a part of the scheme, so it is what it is.

Don't want to do prison time?  Don't do **** **** like this.  
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