Things you still did as a kid even though your parents told you not to.....

Jan 17, 2006
- Parents told me to not look straight into the sun.... yup, my lil dumb +** did it anyway.

- Parents told me to not swallow chewing gum.... yup, my lil dumb +** did it anyway.

- Parents told me to not run around or swim right after I got done eating.... yup, my lil dumb +** did it anyway.

Post yours.
Told me not to sit too close to the tv, now I have bad eyesight.
Told me not to play past the block, Clay Davis: Shhhhh
My mom told me not to play golf in the yard.

My brother, my boy and I did anyways and my brother happened to break the neighbor's window in the process.

We got the biggest butt-whooping/punishment ever known to man. 

Not to play in the dirt, so I ran around and rolled in the dirt.
Not to talk back to my teachers, always did.
Not to talk in class, always did. (Got countless phone calls home saying I was talking in class)
Not to stay out too late, stayed out as long as I wanted to.
Not to pretend that tree branches were swords, thought those things were lightsabers and I was defending the house.
Dont listen to cd player so loud, you hearing will suffer. Didnt listen

Be in the house before a certain time, didnt listen.
Originally Posted by spizike231

Not to talk back to my teachers, always did.
Not to talk in class, always did. (Got countless phone calls home saying I was talking in class)
Not to stay out too late, stayed out as long as I wanted to.

Originally Posted by iYen

Told me not to sit too close to the tv, now I have bad eyesight.
Told me not to play past the block, Clay Davis: Shhhhh

story of my life fam
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

- Parents told me to not swallow chewing gum.... yup, my lil dumb +** did it anyway.
 my parents took it to another level. They said that chewing gum was going to get stuck in my intestines. It would be there for years and eventually close off all passage. When that happend I would have to %!%* out of my mouth 

Till this day I dont swallow chewing gum. Just in case ...
Not to jump on the bed
Not to make paper planes and almost burn down the apartment
Not to dropkick my cousin
did them all anyway, got whopped, worth it
Don't play football in the house...Thurman Thomas over the sofa for the score.

Don't dribble the basketball in the house...and 1 vol 1/2 mastered on the tile in the living room.
Folks warned me not to kneel down/sit on my knees every time I'm watching T.V. or else I won't grow... I did it anyway and ended up being 5'7.
Folks warned me not to skip breakfast or else I won't get the right amount of nutrients to grow... I did it anyway and ended up being 5'7.
Folks warned me not to fap everyday or else I'll lose all the vital nutrients that would help me grow... I fapped everyday and ended up being 5'7.
Folks warned me not to fidget with my air conditioning/sound system and not to eat while driving and to concentrate on the road... I ignored them and someone totaled car.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Don't play football in the house...Thurman Thomas over the sofa for the score.

Don't dribble the basketball in the house...and 1 vol 1/2 mastered on the tile in the living room.

Hahaha its sadall but I will do and 1 mixtapes in my house till the day I die lol

Parents told me not to play baseball in the house.....
dont play baseball in the house.. RIP vase
stay up late. always pissed me off. itd be "bed time" and id be wide awake. so i made it a point to stay up as long as i could cause i wasnt tired.
Originally Posted by 4one5

Don't watch the Spice channel.
Came in here to say this and A&E. No not the Arts&Entertainment Channel. 
 Don't play your GameBoy at night even though I had the lightboy. 
Play ball in the house... The second my parents left we would ALWAYS do this... & usually damage or break something
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by 4one5

Don't watch the Spice channel.
Parents couldn't stop me from this though...


You don't know how furious I used to press that little red button on the back of this box to clear up the picture. I broke it off eventually and stuck a paper clip in there.
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