Things you want to do before you die

Real talk, I lowkey want to take over a city like Niko Bellic. Money, cars, women, cribs, RESPECT.
Get married to the girl I'm currently dating.\

Live in a beautiful apartment in the Upper West Side


Race a car

Own a motorcycle

Own my own clothing store

Design a pair of shoes/clothing

edit: Give my mom everything she could ever ask for
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Travel the world <------
Tree Some
Take care of my parents financially 
Play soccer in a actual official soccer stadium
DJ at EDC or some HUGE rave 
Before I die, I want to marry an amazing man... and STAY married to him. And of course I want two kids, a boy and a girl... their names will be Mason Alexander & Jordin Isabelle. :D

Send pics and a short CV, I'll see if I can help you.

2 pics. Just to be sure.

See my son become a success as a man

And see my  85th birthday in good health...

Honorable mention...

Own a car with atleast 700rwhp
Raise my kids to be more successful than I am
Become wealthy
Vacate in Brazil, Dominican Republic, and wherever Rhiana is from
Get a boxer puppy and name him Lupe Joaquin Phoenix Fiasco

Go back to Europe and visit the places I missed (Italy, London, Prague)

Marry a woman so attractive that NT makes threads all jelly......

Stop working for 2 months and not even recognize any financial changes.

Have a son who knows exactly who he wants to be and becomes that person

Live to see the day when you can buy some spray at Kroger that makes everything taste like Bacon
-buy my dad the F-250 he's always wanted

-buy my mom a house in the countryside

-see my sisters get married to good men

-drive across the US with my future wife

-visit every continent

-build a house with the perfect home gym

-visit japan

-earn at least my master's

-see my GF get her doctorate

-drive a GT-R

-lead a swat team

-tell my dad's greedy *** siblings that they can all go **** themselves
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Get my Masters in Finance/Marketing 

Get a promotion at my job 

Win back the woman of my dreams, marry her

Move back Manhattan, get a bangin a** penthouse overlookin the city

Travel the world

And of course a whole mess of cliche bucket list stuff HAHA
- Own a home

- Find that special someone to spend the rest of my life with

- Make an impact that benefits future generations
Go 200 in a car
Own a 91 vette
Have all the pair of jordans I want
Eat everybox of cereal. Made in one day
Leave the grocery store with a trunk full of apple juice (gold bricks)
Meet everybody from oddfuture
Meet mac miller
Drive a mustang like the one in menace to society
Learn to swim
Move to cali
By my moms a beamer
Go to japan
See my lil bro in person
Get a tattoo
Own about 70 pair of levis
Have a collection of nike slides
Drag race somebody on lindberg
Smoke one with curren$y and domo genesis
Stage dive
have a threesome
smash a girl from every country, religion, and ethnicity there is
have a foursome
smoke :smokin 1lb of :x in a day
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