Thinking about joining the Marines or the Air Force (Any advice?)

Jan 4, 2007
Im trying to decide which I should join. Im a senior in high school right now and I cant see myself going to college. (Im not college smart and wont be able to afford it). What are the pros and cons of the marines and airforce?
"Quality of life" in the Air Force is top notch, more females, "easy" life (by military standards)...

Marines, you're lucky if they feed you.... and if they do, you hope it's chicken.
im planning on joining the military also and debating between navy and airforce
the navy seals has a $40,000 signing bonus i heard, though not sure if it's worth putting your life on the line, unless your in it for the action.
you havn't considered the navy?
Hope you dont have any tattoos cause the air force will turn you down, they disqualify me after I was waiting to ship for like 6 months. Oh btw the air force is over-man right now, so unless you're a genius dont except a top knotch job. But air force > military life
My friend's in the Marines.. If you plan on joining there might be times where you hate it, or it's whatever

If you do join.. Goood luckk dude
Air Force .

If you like traveling then the Navy (like my cousin, but now she's stationed somewhere in the US and doesn't do much traveling anymore).

I would never consider Marines ever. Those "cool" commercials on TV ain't goin to convince me
marines are beasts, but the job opportunities afterwards are really limited. Air force is more tech oriented, so its easier to transition to the civilian work force.
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