This creature live in your house. Graphic

Nov 22, 2006
Adult flea under magnify glass

Warning Graphic picture:

Fleas feeding on blood

Think your house is clean and insect free ? Think again because there might be a few dozen if not hundreds of these nasty crawling blood sucking creature callFLEA living in your bedroom, bed sheet, in your carpet, under your sofas, in your backyard and any other warm dark places in your home. And if you have petslike cats or dog then you are for sure having these creatures in your home.

*Fleas are tiny blood-sucking insects that feed on humans, dog, cats, and other animals. Fleas do not have wings but can jump up to 6 feet high and are veryhard to crush due to their flexible yet tough outter shell. They can live up to 3 weeks if fed with blood and laid eggs that could stay in dormant for up to ayear and hatch if they found a host. Eggs and larvae could be hidden just about anywhere.

When fleas feed on human blood, their saliva causes our skin to itch. Itching can be all over or just where the rash is. Itching can be severe. Common bodyspot where fleas bite are feet, ankles, back of legs, thigh, arms and elbow. If flea get into your hair, RIP

They are hard to kill unless you insecticide your home and disrupt the flea birth cycle. Preventative methods include daily vacuuming of carpets, beds, tackleyour backyard, wash and shampoo your pets on a weekly basis, use flea powder or adulticide once a month on carpet to kill the eggs or lavae and disrupt theflea birth cycle.
I never understand when people post this stuff, if you allready know, you put it to the back of your mind, because you can't stop it. If you don'tknow, you dont want to know. I now feel all itchy.
Originally Posted by GreatWallofJohnny2345

But you had to have known about fleas already right?
my house was so clean until my neighbor cats invade my backyard and carry fleas into my house.
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