This did not end well *Dude slams a bottle of vodka in 15 seconds*

Dec 14, 2001
He either barfed it up within 5 minutes are he took a nap at the hospital for a few days. Either way this did not end well
"Don't worry kids, I haven't drank in like, a week."

Yeah, that's going to totally justify your video

The bottle in one gulp. The headache, dehydrathion, quick rise in alcohol content, and more. So many things are wrong with this.
This is hilarious. I wonder if the guy was mentally challenged before he started doing these things.
My first year dorming my *$!%+$* did that with a fifth of Popov, finished the bottle and past out in 2 min. Was hungover/stuck in bed for like 4 days.
they sent him the bottle.
if he died what could they charge them with? 

NT pretend legal experts, I'm talking to you
LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.
Initial thought: "No way that's his voice"
Second thought: "This guy's already drunk b4 even opening the bottle"
Final thought: RIP
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