This did not end well *Dude slams a bottle of vodka in 15 seconds*

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

You still tipsy, sit down troll.  
Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

how does not being able to drink an entire handle make you a lightweight?
lightweights are the dudes that get a buzz off a few shots
weighing 250 lbs in freshman year?...winding up in jail?....i'm good.
Have you guys never heard of him? He eats crazy %+#% all the time, he downed a bottle of rubbing alcohol in like 10. I doubt anything happened to him.
Guys, I used to watch this guy's other videos. He is one weird mother shut-your-mouth.
Trust me, look at his other vids.
Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

how does not being able to drink an entire handle make you a lightweight?
lightweights are the dudes that get a buzz off a few shots
weighing 250 lbs in freshman year?...winding up in jail?....i'm good.
Did you mean drunk? I get buzzed off a couple of shots, I don't think I'm a lightweight. I love that buzz man.
I can probably drink more than I'd like to admit, but that's CRAZY.

It isn't even about the amount he drank, it's how fast he took it. Jesus.

There's no way he was okay or able to function after way at all.

For the guy that brought up Jager: Not even the same as killing this amount of Vodka...Jager
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

You still tipsy, sit down troll.  
Don't be mad son.. some of us are actually man size 6"4+ checking in. 
come back to me when your balls drop peewee.  you probly sit at home all day lookin like this dude playin magic cards all by your lonesome. 

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

You still tipsy, sit down troll.  
Don't be mad son.. some of us are actually man size 6"4+ checking in. 
come back to me when your balls drop peewee.  you probly sit at home all day lookin like this dude playin magic cards all by your lonesome. 



Ol i went to college but can't abbreviate pounds. 

You're probably that guy at the party that brags about how much he can drink, and then ends up the most belligerent, obnoxious person there. 
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by solegit08til

You still tipsy, sit down troll.  
Don't be mad son.. some of us are actually man size 6"4+ checking in. 
come back to me when your balls drop peewee.  you probly sit at home all day lookin like this dude playin magic cards all by your lonesome. 



Ol i went to college but can't abbreviate pounds. 

You're probably that guy at the party that brags about how much he can drink, and then ends up the most belligerent, obnoxious person there. 

real life...
at this whole convo...
Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

Then you weren't "fine," fool....

It's like saying "I won the fight, except for the fact I didn't land any punches, got knocked out, and the other guy walked away."
Originally Posted by young dr0

Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

I dare him to drive...


and the pissing contest on page two 

This one time freshman year when i was 750lbs i chugged 2 handles of popov at the same through my eyeball the other through my mouth 
. Top that
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Wow, I cringed just watching that. And I went to UMD.

Even better, I went to U of MD and an old roommate tried the ol' "gallon of milk" challenge. That ended well.
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by solegit08til

You still tipsy, sit down troll.  
Don't be mad son.. some of us are actually man size 6"4+ checking in. 
come back to me when your balls drop peewee.  you probly sit at home all day lookin like this dude playin magic cards all by your lonesome. 



Ol i went to college but can't abbreviate pounds. 

You're probably that guy at the party that brags about how much he can drink, and then ends up the most belligerent, obnoxious person there. 

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

LOL lightweights..... for a big dude that is do able without hospitalization and I know this for a fact. Freshman year I chugged about 1/2 a handle of jager and was fine except I was blacked out of my mind and wound up in jail not knowing where I was... at the time I was probly 250pds. So the moral of the story is if you are a lightweight/asian/not a heavy drinker do not attempt.

You still tipsy, sit down troll.  
Don't be mad son.. some of us are actually man size 6"4+ checking in. 
come back to me when your balls drop peewee.  you probly sit at home all day lookin like this dude playin magic cards all by your lonesome. 



Ol i went to college but can't abbreviate pounds

You're probably that guy at the party that brags about how much he can drink, and then ends up the most belligerent, obnoxious person there. 

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