This Guy at the airport VOL..SMH

Stopped a minute after the 4 min mark

It's sad that everyone is trying to cash in on airports now, I rather not fly with anyone with that mindset...he wants to get attacked and harassed, he wants it desperately for attention
So is that a Ryan Air thing where they charge you for printing it at the airport? I kind of think that is BS but then there is a better way to handle this also. He should have put his foot down in a different way and perhaps they could have waved the fee. My girl plays hardball all the time with this kind of stuff.
So is that a Ryan Air thing where they charge you for printing it at the airport?

Yes. Live in Europe. Flown Ryanair many times. You have to print it at least 2 hours before.

It's the cheapest airline in Europe. €40 round-up tickets if you are flexible with days and airports. But you get what you pay for. It's an incredibly cramped flight, there are exorbitant baggage fees, off-location airports, etc. But you can't beat the base price anywhere. Just have to be willing to deal with hassle.

The person filming is an absolute fool.
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Yes. Live in Europe. Flown Ryanair many times. You have to print it at least 2 hours before.

It's the cheapest airline in Europe. €40 round-up tickets if you are flexible with days and airports. But you get what you pay for. It's an incredibly cramped flight, there are exorbitant baggage fees, off-location airports, etc. But you can't beat the base price anywhere. Just have to be willing to deal with hassle.

The person filming is an absolute fool.

Oh..okay. So you can't cheap airfare and also expect to not follow the rules. I think it's dumb. Things are all done on a phone now where printing a boarding pass is easier than ever.
What a douche.  I get that flying can be stressful and aggravating, but you'll get nowhere coming at folks like that, even if they may deserve it.  Gotta be smart and finesse wisely.  
My man got the ransom voice lol.

Was he holding up all those people? Euros got mad chill standing around for that. Heck, I was returning something at Marshalls yesterday and heard 3-5 people in line making passive aggressive comments. Foh.
The lady was talking in Dutch to her coworkers and on the phone but it was a bit inaudible
What a douchebag :smh: How about reading Ryanair's ToS and handling an issue like this with respect
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i watched the whole vid

i dont see what the guy did wrong at all

and she really started crying?

where was the racially charged part too?

if ppl gotta wait let em wait they payin just like he is
i watched the whole vid

i dont see what the guy did wrong at all

and she really started crying?

where was the racially charged part too?

if ppl gotta wait let em wait they payin just like he is
Don't think the racially charged part in the title was of any relevance but how do you not see anything wrong here?

The guy failed to read Ryan Air's terms of service. Your boarding pass has to be printed out several hours before trying to board (not sure exactly how much) or you will be charged extra. If you're booking a flight, it's common sense to read the airline's guidelines. On top of that, he clearly wasn't interested in resolving the situation in a respectful manner.
oh no he failed to read to tos? the crime against humanity!!!

he said he was on a connecting flight, i took that to mean he didnt have a chance to go home and print his boarding pass for all legs of his trip

and yet and still what kind of policy you gotta pay to print it?  50 bucks for a boarding pass sounds like outrage should be directed at the airline

he asked for the manager, she didnt wanna do it

next thing baldie pops out of nowhere, id be heated too

i just dont see where he ever got truly disrespectful, maybe talking about how she's training the trainees but still thats about it

to me its a non issue because he was respectful all in all and i assume he still had to pay
As far as im concerned, that's the only thing that should of been said to Sensitive Sabrina was, "Stay in yo lane". The passenger asked for a supervisor and was never given an indication that one was even called, or was on the way. All that needed to happen was for her to say one is on the way, ignore him, and kept the line moving.
oh no he failed to read to tos? the crime against humanity!!!

he said he was on a connecting flight, i took that to mean he didnt have a chance to go home and print his boarding pass for all legs of his trip

and yet and still what kind of policy you gotta pay to print it?  50 bucks for a boarding pass sounds like outrage should be directed at the airline

he asked for the manager, she didnt wanna do it

next thing baldie pops out of nowhere, id be heated too

i just dont see where he ever got truly disrespectful, maybe talking about how she's training the trainees but still thats about it

to me its a non issue because he was respectful all in all and i assume he still had to pay
It's not a crime against humanity, it's a pretty simple and standard RyanAir rule. Hence why should've just handled the issue in a more respectful manner and just pay up. Again, him not reading the airline's guidelines is entirely his fault. Period. If he didn't get a chance to print his boarding pass in advance then he should have accounted for the extra charge. Evidently he didn't read them or care so he tried to bs his way out of mandatory rules that apply to everyone using Ryan Air in a manner that was completely out of line. She should have called the manager earlier but that doesn't excuse the continued harassment. Either that or she should have just shown him their ToS. Google Ryan Air boarding pass ToS, read the rules. Done.

Takes maybe a minute.

In short, yes she should have tried to resolve the situation faster and in a better way but the incident shouldn't have occured in the first place if the customer considered actually reading the rules. Of course he still had to pay, at least I would hope so. Rules are rules. Would you say it's ok to go to a store and then say "nah I'm only paying half of what this pricetag says, let me walk out with my item or call the manager" too?
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