this guy is a boss vol. zero dambs given

Nov 14, 2004
whos takin the pictures?
i just like it cause everything about dude besides his poses and shoes are so goddamn normal. hes hanging out in the backyard, in front of the grill, in some walmart-esque parking lot, just being a regular red blooded american. then you see the heels. this is all drakes fault.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by mholmes87

You're taking them..

Now go to sleep..


Yo...every scroll down just kept shocking me...literally. 

Each pic was like its own surprise. 

He's trolling sociology classes. 
Originally Posted by iYen

Men wear women's shoes everyday b.

yea b but do they have the whole goddamn macy's women's shoes fall collection to go with their tiger woods golf polo collections and a collection of pics demonstrating said outfits in feminine poses? u really trying to say this is some run of the mill $@@+ up there? aight. 
OH hell no on that 2nd to last one....he broke out the jesus boys......send this man some damns so he can have a damn to give...this man needs help
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