This had my LMFAO......

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

I got bored..

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)] Looking for an experienced DJ for this Saturday night, August 15th on Maderia Beach from approx 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

  • Location: Maderia Beach
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: flat fee or hourly
[table][tr][td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td] Yoooo!
What up my name is DJ. I'm from Maderia Beach. However, i'm only 23 years old. My father who luckily is also named DJ is 47. Together thats 70 years experience of being a DJ. What does this job consist of? Just telling people i'm named DJ? For work like this I will expect atleast 10 dollars a hour. Let me know and you got yourselves not only one, but TWO DJ's!


[/td] [/tr][/table]

STILL bored.
[h2] Business Coaching / Consulting (Tampa & Surrounding)[/h2]
Date: 2009-08-15, 5:34PM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [sup][Errors when replying to ads?][/sup]

Are you in need of a coach or consultant for your business? Are you looking for a speaker for your next meeting? We have the capabilities that you have been looking for. We are the leader in business coaching and consulting and we would love to help you in reaching a whole new leevel in yor business. Please call on us and we will show you how to become more profitable, gain more flexibility and gain more freedom. We show you how to work on your business and not in it. Our philosophy is ran by the C.A.N.E.I. mindset which stands for Constant and Never Ending Improvement. We will teach you how to incorporate this into your daily life and acheive anything you want both personally and professionally. We are your complete business resource for making your business an asset and not a job. You can call us at 863-661-9838 or 813-431-3958 or email me at [email protected] Our first meeting is always free where we will do an assesment on how we can help you acheive more.

Myreply:[table][tr][td]I run a tight ship. I'm in trades. I weigh each shipment, package and send a little mexican kid to get rid of the weight. Now, all I need is positive motivation to reassure me i'm doing the right thing. I will pay you just to chant things at me like "You go Tre!" "Bag that up Tre!" also you will be attending clubs with me and saying nothing else but "Bag that up Tre!" when I am dancing. I will need you to buy things for me a few times a week, assorted cookies and chips, and atleast 500 ziplock bags every 4 days. If you are the man for this job let me know.[/td] [/tr][/table]
[color=COLOR: rgb(0,51,204)]
sorry you feel the way you do. No I do not chant or go clubbing as I am a professional.[/color]

Talk soon,

Mike M.

[color=COLOR: rgb(0,51,204)]
Me: Thank you John! I really appreciate you doing this for me. It's not often a brother gets help. Since you seemavid on calling yourself a professional, while we are clubbing I will allow you to say "Bag it up Tre! Remember, I AM A PROFESSIONAL!" instead of theoriginial phrase "Bag it up Tre!". However, you will need to follow up that sentence with a very reassuring smile and head nod. Often I get confusedabout my way of life and spiral into a very dangerous depression. Being that you are a professional I assume you have the reassuring nod and smile down to ascience. I can't wait to work with you Rob.[/color]
Grooming Circle WUT?

I am a woman seeking a group of 4-6 men to brush my hair in what i like to refer to as my "grooming circle."

I have not cut my hair since age 14. I am 5'8" and my nut-brown locks fall well past the small of my back, terminating just below the buttocks. I am 32 years old but often get i.d.'d when i buy wine spritzer by the case. I work in elder-care, and several of my male charges have described me as both "comely" and a "handsome woman." I used to permit these fellows to brush my hair until i was reprimanded by my superiors.

This is how the "grooming circle" works. I will distribute to each man a numbered brush from my array of fine boar's head bristle brushes (2 have ivory handles, 4 have tortoise shell). Each man will gather around me and take hold of a lock of hair approx 1/4 inch in diameter. Each man will then spread out from me in what i refer to as the "maypole formation." I will let out a long sigh as a signal to commence brushing in tandem. I may need to periodically give notes, and will refer to each man by brush number.

No Tugging.

Please do not suggest music. We will be listening to the Gypsy Kings.

We will all be clothed. This is not overtly sexual in nature. You may take off your shoes but not your socks.

All I require is that you be of sound mind, have clean finger nails, no callouses, and a steady hand. A steady hand is essential to proper brushing rythmn.

For those first-timers who have never participated in a "grooming circle" before and are feeling nervous, I will offer you a ladyfinger soaked in peach schnopps to calm you. I also have wine spritzer if that is more to your taste. Again, there is nothing so offputting as an unsteady hand.

I will provide refreshments afterwords: ginger snaps, necco wafers, and fresca.

Do not bring in any outside brushes.

Please email me your responses and a photo of your hands.


PS I have no grey hairs (at least not on my head).

  • Location: Upper East Side
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1165835703

I am seriously enjoying myself right now. Thread needs a name change so more people will get in on the fun. The horse farm one was hilarious.
The horse farm one had me in stitches, and also the one about the woman hiring a driver, and the kids summer program.
"Bag it up Tre!"

The horse one was hilarious too. "Sometimes the horses don't die on the first shot, so just keep shooting"
The guy deleted his ad after this but he was saying how he just graduated from an international art institute in Tampa and would like to practice cooking mealsfor some families. I hit him with this.

[table][tr][td] Hi,
I have no arms, forearms, hands, fingers, or finger nails. I am looking for an experienced chef to microwave some pizzas for me. Now I know the microwave is a rather new, and challenging machine, but don't worry I can walk you through this process. I have dedicated years to figuring out the microwave. I have unlocked the secrets of the microwave and now can grasp it's true powers. All I need is an experienced culinary chef with very strong fingers because you WILL have to push buttons. Now if this task is too strenuous for you, I can help you strengthen your fingers. I would do this myself but my arms were ripped off when I was performing the hercules hold in the 1992Worlds Strongest Man competition. I will pay as handsome as you are.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Congrats you must have lots oftime on urn HANDS.

Me: [table][tr][td] Is this supposed to be a joke? I am paying a man 12 dollars a hour just to type for me and walk around behind me so it looks like I have arms. This man is very strong, but he does not possess the knowledge necessary in order to operate such a complex machine. I'm sure a man as smart as you who is trained in moving knifes and sprinkling spices into fluids and turning up heats to a certain degree can ATLEAST operate a microwave.
Adrien, I highly recommend you take me up on this offer. This is an once in a lifetime opportunity. If you let this get away you are letting your culinary career get away. This is a career MAKER.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
[h2]I'm No Hipster- Fixie for Sale[/h2]
Date: 2009-06-29, 3:27PM CDT

I tried to be a part time hipster, but it hasn't worked out. I so wanted to cruise through Hillsboro Village palping a wool cap and a Che Guevara Tshirt. I've tried to come slay the last few Critical Mass rides, but my kids always have soccer or want to go see Transformers or something. Skinny leg jeans don't fit me right. I'm too old. I'm can't learn how to do a tail whip or a hockey stop because I'm afraid I'll get hurt and ruin my triathlon season. I like Band of Horses, but it seems that it's just not enough. So, reality has overshadowed irony and nostalgia, and I have decided with a heavy heart to sell my fixie.

It's an awesome bike. The frame is a 1984 Schwinn World Sport, a collabo between US frame designers and Taiwanese frame builders, that is dressed in a gray metal flake colourway with oh so retro pink-and-white lettering. The paint is in surprisingly good condition, considering it's older than the target market for this listing. The bike sits on a new set of Sun Ringle deep-v rims in black with black spokes and hubs. The hubs roll like butter down a hot corn cob and the rear is a flip flop with a 17t fixed gear and an 18t freewhell already installed. The freewheel has never been used. I may not be hipster, but nobody's calling me a poseur. The rubber on this bike is from Soma and has plenty of wear left, with absolutely no flat spots from skid stopping. You'll be turning a 46t Sugino Messenger crank onthis baby, so bring your A game if you planning on crossing the bridge and rolling through the East Nashville hills. There's a new tektro brake installed on the front wheel with a crosstop BMX lever on the bullhorns, but don't worry, it's easily removable. There's also a set of drop bars and a new adjustable stem included in the sale for those who prefer a more tracky look. I've also go a new seatpost and a Ritchey pro headset pressed in. The saddle is a classic Schwinn stinger in candy apple red. I realize that pink and red is generally considered to be a faux pas, but I'm counting on potential buyers for the bike sharing my contempt for the Tsars of fashion.

The color scheme on this ride is guaranteed to instantly boost your street cred. I picked up on the pink in the bikes' native lettering, and as such, the bike has been finished with pink bar tape, pink toe cages, a pink chain and a pink bottle cage. The bottle cage is capable of holding both tallboys and 40s of malt liquor, or standard water bottles in case you prefer to rub the V and T on your Saturday cruise.

Because the bike is sized for riders 5'3" to 5'9" and pink, it's totally chick friendly. It will be a perfect %%!@! magnet for any hipster dude, at once displaying your sensitivity and your security in heterosexuality. For girls....hey, it's pink. I'm sure you have a pair of light green Rocket Dogs laying around. Perfect! This bike will make a perfect gift for your GF or hipster fiancee. Plus, at my price you'll have plenty of extra cash to have tribal bands tattooed on your wedding fingers. That, or you can cruise down to Planned Parenthood and split the bill for the abortion. Whatever, I'm not judging anyone, just trying to sell a bike.

Listen guys, if you're long on green and low on hipster rep, come buy this bike. Hurry up before I change my mind and quit shaving.
I want a team mate to do these withme lol. I feel like pranks and jokes are the funniest forms of humor.
Mobile Home repairs/clean/paint (Hudson) Date: 2009-08-15, 6:39PM EDT Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?] Call Jerry at (727) 697-3210 Floors, plumbing, windows, cool-seals, a/c ducts replaced, clean after evicts, paint and punch out work. One call for it all.

Me:[table][tr][td] Listen up jerry.
I've got like 10 mobile homes down here in port richey. I was using these mobile homes for "experimental use". Now, you're gonna see +*$@ like ether, cold tablets, gasoline, rubbing alcohol, salt and drain cleaner everywhere. Do not be alarmed. I am a highly respected scientist and chose a remote town so I could conduct my experiments in peace. I want you to clean these places out of everything. You can take what ever you want. If you are interested in an extra 1,000 please torch these things. I can not provide you with my name or any information about me, yes, I am that famous. I can wire the money in your account when the job is done. I will be on the premises watching you from a distance, so don't try to fool me or you won't be in business much longer.

See you soon.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Him:[table][tr][td] For starters, I think you better learn some manners on how to talk to someone, at least me. Don't open up by saying "listen up Jerry". Secondly, I don't put myself into involvement of seemingly illegal operations, as I value my freedom. Thirdly, I don't do business with anyone I don't meet in person, and certainly do NO work with the promise of money in the end. I always do a half down and balance due upon completion. You have too many variables working against you on this contact, and with that being said, as hungry as I am to make money and feed my family, I don't feel like your offer is the one for me. Thanks, but, no thank

Listen up Jerry,

I see you drive a hard bargain. I really need these things cleaned out by tuesday at noon. And illegal operations? How does any of this seem illegal? What do you think i'm running a meth lab or something? You've got to be kidding me Timmy. I will give you 500 down, and 500 after. That will support any habit you or your family have for a week, and ill even throw in a few boxes of cereal to reassue myself you don't spend this money on drugs and your children actually get fed. We can meet at the wal-mart, let me know when. Thanks for agreeing to do this. You are a good man Tim.

[table][tr][td]@*@% off. I see you in my mailbox again, and the email will be considered harrassment, and I'll attach/forward it like this one and the other one you sent to the sherrifs office. Now, Timmy, put that in your #+!@+* pipe and smoke it! You useless bastards that respond to real people trying to make a real living, I'll shut all of you down that I can. You don't like it, tough @#$*. I don't waste my time %$*!$@# with asswipes, I deal with you. [/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
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