This is a Fast Home Computer

Originally Posted by Angryostrich

But.... can it handle Yuku.
You have to realize that most of what you guys do on the computer outside of downloading/uploading media not will be I/O intensive to the point that solidstate drives will change your life.

It doesn't matter how fast your I/O speed on your hard drive is if you have a DSL Internet connection, know what I mean? If you're copying a file froma regular disc-based drive to a SSD, you're still bottlenecked by the speed of the disc-based drive.

Solid state means less moving parts (no spinning hard drive discs), lets heat, less weight, and less power consumption. Performance is awesome as well, but inthe grand scheme of things won't be as life changing.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

You have to realize that most of what you guys do on the computer outside of downloading/uploading media not will be I/O intensive to the point that solid state drives will change your life.

It doesn't matter how fast your I/O speed on your hard drive is if you have a DSL Internet connection, know what I mean? If you're copying a file from a regular disc-based drive to a SSD, you're still bottlenecked by the speed of the disc-based drive.

Solid state means less moving parts (no spinning hard drive discs), lets heat, less weight, and less power consumption. Performance is awesome as well, but in the grand scheme of things won't be as life changing.
Computer engineer Bastich?
Originally Posted by rcdp

There's no need to defrag a SSD in the first place
Yeah, and on a brand new computer, the data probably wasn't too fragmented anyway. Also, it wasn't that fast just because they used thoseSSDs; if I recall correctly they had 2 quad core processors, some good RAM, and 2 crazy video cards. All of those components (and more) contribute to the speedof the computer.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by Bastitch

You have to realize that most of what you guys do on the computer outside of downloading/uploading media not will be I/O intensive to the point that solid state drives will change your life.

It doesn't matter how fast your I/O speed on your hard drive is if you have a DSL Internet connection, know what I mean? If you're copying a file from a regular disc-based drive to a SSD, you're still bottlenecked by the speed of the disc-based drive.

Solid state means less moving parts (no spinning hard drive discs), lets heat, less weight, and less power consumption. Performance is awesome as well, but in the grand scheme of things won't be as life changing.
Computer engineer Bastich?

Admittedly, my expertise is on the Enterprise level rather than at the desktop level. You guys usually deal in Gigabytes and I usually deal with Petabytes.You guys usually deal with Megabit transfer rates and I deal with Gigabit transfer rates. But the technology remains the same regardless of the scale.

Solid state is definitely the future. Right now, it's completely cost-prohibitive, and even those that want the latest and greatest are holding off untilprices come down. Solid state is really going to change mobile computing first and foremost, as I think that is the market that will reap the benefits first. There are already Netbooks out there that are taking advantage of the technology that are lighter in weight, are more energy efficient, and run much coolerthan their HDD counterparts. Unfortunately, the SSD itself doubles the cost of the laptop.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

On a scale of 1-10 how difficult is it to build a PC? Laptop?
(with basic computer knowledge)
It's like putting a puzzle together. most difficult part imo is getting a thin enough layer of thermal paste on the cpu
Originally Posted by Face82

All I'm thinking about is downloading pron
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Just think of the many volumes you could have on your pc...not even watching 1 vid morethan once[/color]
Solid state is definitely the future. Right now, it's completely cost-prohibitive, and even those that want the latest and greatest are holding off until prices come down. Solid state is really going to change mobile computing first and foremost, as I think that is the market that will reap the benefits first. There are already Netbooks out there that are taking advantage of the technology that are lighter in weight, are more energy efficient, and run much cooler than their HDD counterparts. Unfortunately, the SSD itself doubles the cost of the laptop.

Well put - this is what i'm excited about. Considering most PC users are now able to afford to be notebook users, and the evolution of the netbook istaking place before our eyes the last few years... it's really cool to consider where mobile-computing is going to be in the very near future. When thecosts associated with SSD's comes down, things are going to take off so quickly.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by Bastitch

You have to realize that most of what you guys do on the computer outside of downloading/uploading media not will be I/O intensive to the point that solid state drives will change your life.

It doesn't matter how fast your I/O speed on your hard drive is if you have a DSL Internet connection, know what I mean? If you're copying a file from a regular disc-based drive to a SSD, you're still bottlenecked by the speed of the disc-based drive.

Solid state means less moving parts (no spinning hard drive discs), lets heat, less weight, and less power consumption. Performance is awesome as well, but in the grand scheme of things won't be as life changing.
Computer engineer Bastich?

Admittedly, my expertise is on the Enterprise level rather than at the desktop level. You guys usually deal in Gigabytes and I usually deal with Petabytes. You guys usually deal with Megabit transfer rates and I deal with Gigabit transfer rates. But the technology remains the same regardless of the scale.

Solid state is definitely the future. Right now, it's completely cost-prohibitive, and even those that want the latest and greatest are holding off until prices come down. Solid state is really going to change mobile computing first and foremost, as I think that is the market that will reap the benefits first. There are already Netbooks out there that are taking advantage of the technology that are lighter in weight, are more energy efficient, and run much cooler than their HDD counterparts. Unfortunately, the SSD itself doubles the cost of the laptop.
That's how my parents think. "This internet istoo damn slow, we need to upgrade computers"
You can get some low priced ssd on new egg.

Low priced I mean like 300 bucks for 120 gigs.
damn never know Bastitch was a computer engineer.......and yeah can't wait when SSD prices fall.
Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

40 programs loaded that quick!!!
Defrag less then 2 seconds....copying a movie less then a second.. DaMN DAMN DAMN
...remember this is a Samsung marketing ploy for their SSD drives.
i dont even need a second...ill be happy with 2 minutes
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