This is disgusting. USDA to Let Industry Self-Inspect Chicken

Jul 3, 2010
USDA inspection was a joke to begin with. This is gonna be nasty. Wash your hands, wear gloves, sanitize the faucet handle, cook that bird thoroughly, wash hands again, Lysol the whole kitchen!

Chicken is the top-selling meat in the United States.  The average American eats 84 pounds a year, more chicken than beef or pork.  Sorry red meat, chicken is what's for dinner.  And now the USDA is proposing a fundamental change in the way that poultry makes it to the American dinner table.

As early as next week, the government will end debate on a cost-cutting, modernization proposal it hopes to fully implement by the end of the year. A plan that is setting off alarm bells among food science watchdogs because it turns over most of the chicken inspection duties to the companies that produce the birds for sale.

The USDA hopes to save $85 million over three years by laying off 1,000 government inspectors and turning over their duties to company monitors who will staff the poultry processing lines in plants across the country.

The poultry companies expect to save more than $250 million a year because they, in turn will  be allowed to speed up the processing lines to a dizzying 175 birds per minute with one USDA inspector at the end of the line.  Currently, traditional poultry lines move at a maximum of 90 birds per minute, with up to three USDA inspectors on line.

Whistleblower inspectors opposed to the new USDA rule say the companies cannot be trusted to watch over themselves.  They contend that companies routinely pressure their employees not to stop the line or slow it down, making thorough inspection for contaminants, tumors and evidence of disease nearly impossible.  "At that speed, it's all a blur," one current inspector tells ABC News.

According to OMB Watch, a government accountability newsletter,  cutbacks at the USDA have coincided with a significant rise in salmonella outbreaks.  The group says 2010 was a record year for salmonella infection and 2011 saw 103 poultry, egg and meat recalls because of disease-causing bacteria, the most in nearly 10 years.

The USDA, which has been running a pilot program of the changes in 20 US poultry plants, says the new system is not about cost-cutting, but about bringing food safety up to date.  In background briefings, the agency will not answer on the record questions posed by ABC News, USDA says it plans on increasing the number of scientific tests to look for microbiotic disease invisible to human eye inspectors.  But the agency has not been able to furnish data that shows an increase in lab testing during the 12 year pilot program.

Watchdog groups insist a combination of increased testing and government inspection is needed to lower salmonella and other disease outbreaks from chicken.  The National Chicken Council says on its website that while  "plant employees would have an expanded role in inspecting carcasses," USDA inspectors will still be in the plant.  And "we are confident that modernizing the poultry inspection system will enable us to build on our success in providing delicious, safe and wholesome food to our customers."
that corporate lobby is a powerful thing. stuff like this will continue to go on as long as we, the people, allow it to.
Republicans at it again...they don't give a ##+! about anyone's health..all for that CEO and stockholder $$$$...
real life...

so people will watch the chicken through a monitor ? what the heck?

i guess im going vegetarian... like thats any better...
^ the US doesn't do much healthcare - the money's in treatment of illness.
Originally Posted by kdawg

^ the US doesn't do much healthcare - the money's in treatment of illness.
Word. Pharmaceuticals are BIG business...those lobbyists probably have as much if not more power than the average congressman
Wow. That is not a good look. I guess i'll be looking into raising my own chickens. I've always wanted to have my own livestock and farm my own vegetables though. Maybe it'll happen one day...
NOT good....I eat chicken almost everyday. It's either time for a change or to start hitting up the health food stores for the free-range local chicken.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

NOT good....I eat chicken almost everyday. It's either time for a change or to start hitting up the health food stores for the free-range local chicken.

I made the switch last year to buying ALL organic meat.  It's more expensive, but having the peace of mind (until some other story breaks 
) is totally worth it. 
i'll be making the switch to organic ...the extra money will be worth the peace of mind ... i just have to do my research on some on local producers

Thank You for the Article OP. I already sent it off to other an I'm printin this out for work. Crazy
Absolutely ridiculous. Thank God for New Leaf Market/ Earth Fare and local producers
Originally Posted by Slaptastic

Republicans at it again...they don't give a ##+! about anyone's health..all for that CEO and stockholder $$$$...

Republicans huh? where do you see them called out?

Good thing you are on the correct side! The side that does no harm!
Originally Posted by IronChef

Originally Posted by Slaptastic

Republicans at it again...they don't give a ##+! about anyone's health..all for that CEO and stockholder $$$$...

Republicans huh? where do you see them called out?

Good thing you are on the correct side! The side that does no harm!

man this is horrible
Originally Posted by Slaptastic

Republicans at it again...they don't give a ##+! about anyone's health..all for that CEO and stockholder $$$$...

what are you on about? grow up. 
usda has been a joke for years. they've never had the consumers best interests in mind and obviously never will. 

anyone that thinks the gov't has really ever had our best interests in mind is either blinded by party lines (see quote above) or just too ignorant or brainwashed to comprehend. 
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Anyone that thinks the gov't has really ever had our best interests in mind is either blinded by party lines or is just too ignorant or brainwashed to comprehend. 

Wouldn't this also apply to organic birds being processed?

And also, you can save a buck if you wanted to buy organic by getting it at Costco.

And in terms of politics, this has "deregulation" and "less government intervention/small government" written all over it.
Originally Posted by Mercutio

Wouldn't this also apply to organic birds being processed?

And also, you can save a buck if you wanted to buy organic by getting it at Costco.

And in terms of politics, this has "deregulation" and "less government intervention/small government" written all over it.
I was wondering the same thing. It would make sense. Go local I guess...if you can.

It does...slippery slope. 

I made the switch last year to buying ALL organic meat.  It's more expensive, but having the peace of mind (until some other story breaks 
) is totally worth it
  You said it, "until some other story breaks."
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