this is what $ 2,700 rent gets you in new york

Vegas gets tiring. It's good in small doses; after 2-3 days I'm ready to get the hell back :lol:
How y'all idolize and slurp dudes that live that life but knock it when a real person is removed from the narrative?
Now that we're completely off the original topic - I try to avoid sketchy side streets, court and Jail :lol: And you're referring to Price and Apache which is basically Mesa, which I said is wack as hell. Tempe is a racist city because two clowns that obviously attend too many theme parties thought it would be cool to drink watermelon drinks on MLK Day and post it on Insta? Come on man, Tempe is the most diverse city in AZ with all the different races/cultures that come from out of state to attend ASU.

And I agree with this part, it's why i'm here in Tempe. But that diversity has a lot to do with ASU bringing together people from different backgrounds.

And yeah I try to avoid court and prison too but I have some bad luck....heh.

And Apache isn't really basically Mesa. Lots of apartments down that way for people who rather live off campus.

Tempe isn't racist because of that incident either, I'm talking about just in general the vibe I feel. I mean like I said I've seen skinheads around, I've seen bikers with iron crosses and confederate flags on their cut.

There's two sides to Tempe, there's the ASU side, and then there's a darker side. Tempe low-key got some hood spots my man. I have no reason to front about this stuff I'm just telling you what I've seen with my eyes since being out here. I agree 100% that Mesa and Phoenix are FAR worse than Tempe. But Tempe ain't all sweet my man.
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All I can speak about is my experience, and in my experience and industry, headhunters salivate over hiring someone who has worked in NY relative to someone in a small market.

That's not what you said and you know it bro. You were talking in general, NYers can go anywhere and take anyone's job. As a NYer myself I find that statement to be immensely ignorant.

But whatever bro, if you're talking about your industry I can't judge that but look back at what you wrote vs what I just quoted and you can see how the former statement just reeks of ignorance.
That can be said for anywhere you go, though.  Meth heads are rampant (or atleast were) throughout the Northwest.

Racists live everywhere not just AZ.  Difference is you are living in a smaller town so you see them more often than if you were living in a big city.

I live in Tucson and it is definitely more diverse than it's ever been.  Not saying it is the most diverse but it's decent. 

I will say though, AZ is more of a retirement place but they are trying to change that and trying to attract more young professionals.  If you haven't visited Tucson yet, it's a nice place to check out.  I'd rather liver there over Tempe or Scottsdale.  However, shopping in Scottsdale > Tucson.

I think it ultimately comes down to the type of environment you want for yourself.  I love shopping and the last time I was in NYC, I had a blast walking around from shop to shop on random streets. However, I don't think I could live there permanently.  I would need to see more green landscaping and outdoorsy type stuff.  I get my fix by trying to visit NYC once a year.

bro I'm not talking about other places, the conversation was about Tempe specifically my dude.
Agreed on the Vegas posts. 3 days tops and I'm ready to make that drive/flight back to LA. I see why some people moved for the cheap cost of living out there but I know once the luster of being able to go to the strip whenever wore off it would get boring quick.
Agreed on the Vegas posts. 3 days tops and I'm ready to make that drive/flight back to LA. I see why some people moved for the cheap cost of living out there but I know once the luster of being able to go to the strip whenever wore off it would get boring quick.

I have a friend who lives out there and he only hits the Strip when ppl are in town.
Vegas isn't that bad. But I do agree, outside the club life, there's not much to do if you haven't already seen everything.

What I hate about Vegas most, is definitely the weather. :x Straight unpredictable!
How  does one just move to NY? I hear that it's nearly impossible to rent without prior rent history in the city.
Recent paycheck, employment contract or you can have a co-signer

Plus paying a few months rent up front / doubling the security deposit.

I would never subject myself to any of that, though. I was able to get my first apartment in Manhattan without jumping through any hoops. The owner lived on the same block though. I'm sure any building owned by a publicly traded company won't have any of that.
I am just so jealous of NYers. I wanna be a NYer so bad. I even contemplated practicing my brooklyn accent so I sound like a native when I get there.
Agreed, MorningSide is very nice! Broinlaws firehouse is located there and them dudes be chillin, neighborhood is something out of the movies type

I also like Inwood...but that might be too far north for most in here

Worked in Harlem for a little over a year and it was one o the best experiences in my life. People would say hi to me as I walked down the street, everyone was so friendly. A great sense of community there. Really miss it.
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