This just made my day! Vol. Awesome on so many levels

Originally Posted by dluck8689

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Lil man has a great father.

His dad encouraged him and didn't dismiss his idea. Props to his pops.

Forreal tho! Most parents would have made him take it down after the 1st week crowding up the store, but his Pops kept encouraging him!
I was amazed at when his dad said lets go home early since the store was slow that day and he said NO! I know I would said %*& it lets go home... lol
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

My eyes welled up. So heartwarming.

This is the kinda of @#%$ the world needs more of. Very inspiring story to say the least.
Tupac Jordan wrote:
My dude Caine had determination! He had to chew through the cardboard before he saved up enough money to buy scissors.

He made 75k at 9 years old. He can afford to fix his grill. Doesn't even look like he has a full set of adult teeth yet.
wish i was there to participate. Probably would have just donated money. I like how it was determined, creative, and profited off his hard work. Good job my man
real life...

that calculator thing was pretty damn smart....
his first customer was dope too... props to that guy... and caine of course
started off thinking there was no way in hell i would sit through a 10 min video... enjoyed every second
Apparently they raised 100k for his college fund now in the three days. The kids determination and creativity will go a long way in life.
Real tears were coming up man. Props to him. He has more motivation and passion for life at 9 then I do at 21...
the innocence of kids... sucks when they gonna grow up and face the reality of life..
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