This Lollipop Remix Goes Hard...

Dec 17, 2005
and yes, before you tell me...i know there was already a thread about this song, i posted in it.

But its time...for a 2nd appreciation...


did you happen to stumble on one em skid marks wayne was leavin everywhere he sit?

This Lollipop Remix Goes Hard...
These words don't make sense in a sentence together.


Don't worry why my wrist got so freeze
Tell a girl like Doritos that's not yo cheese
Tell her friends like Fritos I'm trying to lay

Really now?
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng


This Lollipop Remix Goes Hard...
These words don't make sense in a sentence together.


Don't worry why my wrist got so freeze

Tell a girl like Doritos that's not yo cheese

Tell her friends like Fritos I'm trying to lay

Really now?

C'mon bro...stop tryin to front. Invite a few girls to your place next friday night, grab a couple drinks, get #@$% poppin...turn on the lollipop remix,and please tell me the ladies wont be feelin it.

THAT...alone, makes me appreciate the song. I aint here to try to tell ya'll its lyrically the best song on the face of earth, im just appreciatin it forwhat it is...a Banger for the ladies.

Thank you.
NONE of my female friends like Wayne, so . . . sorry I don't mess with the same dirty coochie hoodrats you do.
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

NONE of my female friends like Wayne, so . . . sorry I don't mess with the same dirty coochie hoodrats you do.

almost every feli i meet likes at least one Weezy song...even punk rock chicks...
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

NONE of my female friends like Wayne, so . . . sorry I don't mess with the same dirty coochie hoodrats you do.

Alright Mr. E-Pimp... you got me, since the very few female friends...if any, that you have, dont like Lil wayne...that means all of the ladies in everycollege aroung the United States of America must hate Wayne as well. Nice logic tough guy.

At least my man unconditional Love77 can understand what im talkin about. You, my dude, must be havin' a good time with the ladiez on the weekends.
not every weekend, but you know the ladies love my music taste ahah. at least what i be playing around them. dudes are stupid if you be playing some joe buddenaround females all the time time...
You act like Weezy is the only $%%* that gets played in the club or gets panties dropping.

I said they don't like Wayne, plain and simple.
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

You act like Weezy is the only $%%* that gets played in the club or gets panties dropping.

I said they don't like Wayne, plain and simple.

I realize that...but i aint a Wayne fan or just appreciative of this song...thas all bro. I aint here to be told i hang around with "dirtyhoodrats"...i aint here to defend wayne... im just here to let people who might not know about the song know, it bangs, and ladiez love it...not allladiez, but most...and if not most, some...

basically, put it on the playlist for your kickback or party and itll get $%%! poppin.
Thats it. no hard feelings. good day sir.
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

NONE of my female friends like Wayne, so . . . sorry I don't mess with the same dirty coochie hoodrats you do.

I know mad female college students who like wayne.
It's all good, homeboy.

I know mad female college students who like wayne
Again, my friends. Not yours. And if it makes it any more telling, I go to school @ St.John's so I know and am around plenty of bougie *@+ hoodrats myself.
That beat is damn near untouchable in clubs right now, especially the "Shawty said the n that she wit aint sh" part. Girls start goin' hard rightaround then. Usher got 2nd place on smash
Originally Posted by FLiP SeNsAyShUn

I only listen to Kanye's verse.

I stop the song after that.
The hate for Wayne must be strong, since Wayne clearly came more correct than Ye on this.
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