ugly woman

For the rest of your life, magically;

arrive drunk to any destination (home, work, restaurant, post office etc.)  OR once leaving any destination you become drunk.

The lost city of Atlantis or the lost city of Atlanta

Your child, who doesn't look like you, has become wildly successful but you are estranged from them.

Would you rather: 

A) Never meet your kid and have nobody believe it's your kid

B) Meet your kid and find out s/he wants nothing to do with you.
Best friends wife, kould never do my brothers like that

Your perfekt girl, but she has a kondition where she grows a beard n each time she shaves, it grows back thicker, fuller, faster, or she has chest hair (same konditions apply) n man hands?
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Chest hair and man hands..

Be nick dunne in gone girl or the chris Washington y in get out
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Pizza for life as long as I could switch up toppings, style, and type of crust

Lifetime gym membership or lifetime PSN/XBL membership

Fight an alligator in a pit or fight 10 average men to the death

No weapons
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