This restaurant offers FREE food, but wait, there's a catch!

May 10, 2007
You gotta reach the place first! I was browsing 2leep came across this.  If anyone has anymore info on where it is and where its located it'd be cool to post.  But these pics make me cringe, almost seems fake.  you decide.  link.
I'd just post up til a sucker came back with leftovers and push him over the edge. Eat good til sucker number 2 shows up and get lunch for tomorrow.
The food better be of the up most quality,there better be attractive women serving it to me, and I better get a BJ under the table while I #@**+@! eat.
Other than that, no.
The pic with the cliffs with chains is part of an article I read before, "worlds most dangerous roads/paths".
...and the workers get there how? management there must have heard every late to work excuse known to man.
I'll pass. Speaking of dangerous. Yall need to check out that Dangerous Roads show on History Channel right now. This is crazy.
Walk inside that restaurant & Jigsaw face appears on a screen telling you you've entered another one of his games.

Walk inside that restaurant & Jigsaw face appears on a screen telling you you've entered another one of his games.

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